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Horror Book of the Week: With A Blighted Touch by J. Todd Kingrea


This week's Horror Book Recommendation is WITH A BLIGHTED TOUCH written by J. Todd Kingrea.

The novel is published by BHC Press and was released on 24th October 2023.

WITH A BLIGHTED TOUCH has garnered good reviews with customers praising the author's writing style and pace. They found the character relatable and believed it was gripping from start to finish.

Some customers have criticized the lack of character growth and the rushed ending.

Other reviewers have described this book as a real page-turner with an immersive story that will chill you to the bone.



Kit McNeil has not been having the best of luck. He thought leaving his hometown Black Rock would help him and free him from his nightmares, but Kit has only grown up to be disturbed and lonely.

After being fired, Kit receives another piece of bad news— his mother passed away, and his father never bothered to inform him.

Kit goes back to Black Rock and reconnects with his childhood friend Troy. He also meets with his teenage crush Courtney and develops a relationship with her. But Kit soon finds himself at the centre of mysterious disappearances in the town. As Kit digs deeper, he finds himself dealing with an ancient monster that threatens to consume him.

WITH A BLIGHTED TOUCH is an intense and terrifying story that is bound to give you nightmares.

The novel engages you from the very first chapter and pushes you to follow Kit's journey as he deals with difficult relationships and frightening threats.

The writing style is consistent, and the author has made good use of descriptive words to pull you into the narrative.

The climax especially is action-packed, and the resolution will leave you satisfied.

The author was kind enough to send me the book to review and I appreciated the opportunity to read this chilling book that is a perfect read for the spooky season.


In Scarburn County, Tennessee there is a small mountain community called Black Rock, known for its unusual and prevalent blight that affects all vegetation . . .

When an unexpected death forces Christopher "Kit" McNeil to return to his small hometown in the Tennessee mountains after eighteen years, he must confront his past and a secret he's kept since he was twelve.

A talented guitarist with a history of bad choices and even worse luck, Kit soon reunites with an old friend and learns about recent disappearances and mysterious deaths in the area. They begin to wonder if it's connected to what they witnessed in the woods when they were kids and if a creepy local family is involved. Stranger still, almost half of their high school graduating class has died.

When more shredded bodies begin appearing, Kit becomes a suspect. But what he discovers is even more frightening-evil has set its sights on him and his friends and it won't stop until it gets what it needs.

Get the book


  1. Thank you, Palvi! So glad you enjoyed the book and I really appreciate the review and support! (J. Todd Kingrea)


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