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Horror Story Spotlight: Autopsy Room Four


PLOT SUMMARY: When Howard awakens, he finds himself in an autopsy room. He knows he isn't dead. The problem is that the doctors don't know that yet.

There's something grotesque and chilling about the word autopsy. The opening of bodies, the removal of organs, all of these images just pop into the mind when you think of the word Autopsy.

Now imagine if one was awake during the autopsy...

A few years ago, there was a movie called Awake in which a man undergoing surgery is put under anesthesia.  Unfortunately, he falls into a small percentage of people who experience anesthesia awareness and are conscious during the surgery. The movie truly kept you on the edge of your seat.

Autopsy Room Four will keep you turning the pages.



When Howard awakens in a brightly lit room, at first he believes he has died and is experiencing the afterlife. Soon enough he realizes he is alive but unable to move.

To his horror, he discovers the doctors, Peter and Katie are about to perform an autopsy on him.

Howard was playing golf when the incident occurred, although he isn't sure how he ended up in a body bag and then on the table.

The doctors banter about Howard resembling Michael Bolton and what sort of underwear he wears.

Howard listens to it all with mortification as he senses himself being stripped naked. Eventually Dr Kate is holding his appendage when another doctor rushes in to inform them that Howard is alive as they found a rare snake in his golf bag that is known to cause paralysis.

Dr Kate is horrified and lets go of Howard immediately.

Later Howard narrates how he dated Dr Kate after the incident but how it didn't work because he couldn't be intimate with her until she wore rubber gloves.

The story's premise is definitely horrifying but the manner in which it is written has hints of humor that breaks the tension.

The story definitely keeps you invested until the very last page.

Autopsy Room Four can be found in Stephen King's short stories anthology Everything's Eventual.

Scare Scale: 4/5 


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