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Horror Weekly News: Walden takes revenge. Bioshock movie still in the works

We may have seen masked vigilantes serving up justice to those criminals who walk away scot-free, but now we have a new hero. 

A court stenographer by day, Walden has a completely different side that surfaces when he watches criminals, who have committed heinous crimes, walk away free. 

The justice system can be flawed and unfair, and Walden Dean has to witness it everyday at court. But it is not his job to dispense justice and so he keeps it to himself until one day he receives devastating news. 

Walden Dean learns that he is dying and with that he comes to realize he no longer has to remain quiet and let criminals go unpunished. 

In the trailer, we see Emile Hirsch as Walden. He describes himself as a ghost who must remain quiet at court and perform his job as a stenographer. 

He sees criminals being defended and then walk away without being punished. All Walden can do is record every moment. 

Soon enough, his frustration grows and leads him to serve the kind of justice he wished upon the criminals but knew they wouldn’t get. 

One of the criminals gets baked in an oven. Another is subjected to Misery-style punishment, which means a hammer on the legs. 

Walden may just use the flawed justice system to get away himself. 

The movie is written and directed by Mick Davis, and stars Emile Hirsch, Shane West, and Kelli Garner. 

Walden releases on November 10th. 


 In other news…

Would you kindly be interested in a movie adaptation of the hit videogame BIOSHOCK? 

Released in 2007, Bioshock was and is still considered to be one of the best first-person shooter games. 

Bioshock went on to win several awards including Best Game of the Year and Best Original Score. 

Which is why it comes as no surprise that studios were trying to get the movie adaptation of the hit game immediately. Unfortunately, for over a decade, the adaptation saw several obstacles which led to it being almost shelved. 

The major concern was the budget. 

Bioshock was about a man called Jack who after surviving a plane crash, ends up in an underwater city called the Rapture. He is aided by a man on radio who calls himself Atlas. He instructs Jack to kill all those who come in his way, and also help him rescue his family that has been trapped by Ryan, the man who created Rapture. 

But while Jack contemplates killing the small girls who are known as Little Sisters, and are escorted by splicers known as Big Daddies, his radio is intercepted by a woman called Tenenbaum who requests him to save the little girls instead. 

It is only towards the end of the game that Jack realizes he was being played by Atlas whose real name was Fontaine. Ryan turns out to be Jack’s father and Fontaine was using Jack to assassinate his enemies using a trigger phrase “would you kindly…”

Eventually, Jack manages to defeat Fontaine with the help of the Little Sisters. 

The ending depends on whether Jack has saved Little Sisters or harvested them for ADAM, a gene altering substance. 

It was announced in February 2022 that Netflix will bring this hit game to screen. The film will be directed by Francis Lawrence and written by Michael Green. 

As of October 2023, the film is still in scripting stages. 


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