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The Fall of the House of Usher: Episode Three Recap


Plot: In the aftermath of Perry's death, Camille tries to gain public sympathy while investigating Victorine who she suspects is the informant.

The third episode is titled MURDER IN THE RUE MORGUE.

In Edgar Allan Poe's short story, there is a murder in a fictional street called Rue Morgue. The case intrigues Dupin who wants to know who killed a mother and slit her throat. The woman's daughter was found stuffed in a chimney and Dupin suspects that someone with great strength is responsible.

Witnesses claim to have overheard two voices and one of them was clearly speaking French. The other, according to the witnesses, spoke in a different language that they couldn't identify.

Dupin also puts together the other clue wherein tufts of grey hair was found at the murder scene.

After reading the account in the newspaper, Dupin concludes that the other voice may not be human at all which is why none of the witnesses were able to identify it.

Dupin investigates the crime scene and believes that someone had to enter the room through the window and managed to climb a very steep rod to stuff the body in a chimney. He concludes that an orangutan killed the women and places an ad in the newspaper.

A sailor arrives, claiming to be the owner. He tells Dupin about how he found the orangutan in his travels and how he planned to sell it in Paris. But the orangutan escaped after being chided for using a razor blade and mimicking a shaving gesture.

He happened to enter the woman's house, pretend to shave her, freaked out when the woman screamed and ended up slashing her neck.

He then found the daughter and stuffed her into the chimney so no one would know that it had accidentally killed the woman with the blade.

In the story, the orangutan is sold off and the police thank Dupin for his help although are embarrassed for coming to the wrong conclusion.

The third episode in The Fall of the Usher, uses this theme to tell a very weird story and give a glimpse into the life of Camille and her determination to get what she wants.


In the present, Arthur enters the crime scene and removes the mask from Perry's face.

He is looking around when he spots one of the melted bodies breathing. It's Morella. Arthur immediately calls for help.

In the past, Roderick's boss, Griswold keeps taking credit for Roderick's work and Madeline encourages him to keep doing the work. She wants Roderick to gain Griswold's trust and plans to take his boss down soon.

Annabel isn't happy with the way things are going and finds Madeline's ideas dark.

At the meeting, Perry's death is discussed with the other Usher siblings barely bothering to grieve. Camille intends to gain public sympathy by spinning Perry's story.

Camille has it for Victorine and has her investigated. She learns that some of the chimps she has been experimenting on have not been accounted for. There are rumors that Victorine has been lining up her purse with chimp body parts. Camille has her assistants look into this story.

It is revealed that Camille uses her assistants for pleasure as well.

Meanwhile, Verna is busy duping the other Ushers. She goes to Tamerlane dusguised as an escort. She gives excuse that their regular escort is down with an illness and doesn't want to spread her germs. Verna plays the part really well and it excited Tamerlane.

Victorine is anxious about the experiments and eager to please her father. Her girlfriend Ali isn't very sure they are ready to move on to the next step of the trials.

Victorine is distracted when she bumps into a woman and drops the files.

It's Verna disguised as an ill person with a heart problem. Victorine takes one look at the file and realizes she is the perfect candidate for the human trials.

The next two episodes are set up in this way.

Camille and Leo are shown together. They clearly have some affection for each other as they talk about their family and how none of them actually do anything  and instead pay people to do things for them.

Camille leaves even though Leo tells her to stay for the party. If only she had stayed. Leo takes a lot of substances and wakes up the next day to find blood on himself.

He discovers to his horror that he has killed Julius' cat Pluto.

Meanwhile, Camille is sitting at home burdened with work and wants a respite. She calls her assistants to pleasure her but they refuse. The two assistants have fallen in love and no longer want to engage in pleasurable activities with Camille.

This pisses off Camille who fires them on the spot. Unfortunately,  this leads to her not learning what her assistants have found out about Victorine.

Camille decides to investigate herself and heads to the lab. She meets a security guard and it is Verna.

Verna tries to discourage Camille from going inside and asks why she hates her sister considering the two of them are the smartest of all the Ushers.

Camille isn't impressed and demands Verna open the door. Verna expresses regret that she has to let Camille do this.

In the lab, Camille sees the chimps and begins to take photos but Verna arrives with the grim news that Camille has to die now but that it is not her fault.

Camille accepts her fate but takes one last photo, showing that she is not someone who fears death. The camera shows a chimp instead of Verna who then lunges at her.

It is implied that the chimp has mauled Camille to death.

The next morning, Camille's mauled body is found by her assistants and the chimp is grinning widely.

The episode gives us an insight into the Usher family and that not all of them despise each other. It was interesting to see that Leo and Camille shared a somewhat warm relationship and that not all Ushers are hateful.

Scare scale: 4/5


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