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Horror Book of the Week: Our Mother In The Lake by Abe Ross

This week’s Horror Book Recommendation is OUR MOTHER IN THE LAKE by Abe Ross. 

Published by Grim Heart Publishing, the book was released in June 2023 and currently listed on the bestsellers list for Ghost Suspense and Horror Suspense. 

Customers who bought this book were generally pleased with the plot twists and the intriguing mystery that kept them turning pages. They praised the author’s ability for writing an eerie story with the potential to induce nightmares. 

However, some readers thought that the book did not contain much horror and they kept expecting some supernatural incidents only to be disappointed by the family drama and sci-fi elements. 

Quick Book Review of OUR MOTHER IN THE LAKE based on sample

Drew is not having a good day. After her car breaks down (again) she meets with her younger brother Issac who has been trying to reach her because he has something important to show her. 

Enter Quentin, Drew’s ex boyfriend who is trying to get back together with her. 

After getting rid of him, Issac finally shows Drew what he found. A letter. From their mother. 

Drew and Issac’s mother disappeared years ago and so they are naturally curious about her whereabouts and the contents of the letter. In the letter, their mother writes that she regrets what she has done but that she desperately wants to meet her children. 

Drew and Issac get emotional and decide to go on a road trip to see their mother. 

The author does get to the point of the story immediately and no doubt the story does seem interesting on paper however the writing style definitely needs improvement. 

The author tends to over describe and overuses adjectives in certain parts which tends to take the reader out of the story repeatedly. 

But there is no doubt that the author is skillful enough to write a compelling story that will make you want to continue reading on. 


A mysterious invitation. A haunting lakeside ritual. A family reunion to die for.

Thirteen years after their mother's disappearance upended their lives, Drew and her brother Isaac receive a disturbing letter – an invitation to a reunion long overdue, signed by the missing woman herself. The directions are dangerously vague. But Drew and Isaac are desperate for answers. Only one thing is for certain: neither of them are prepared for the nightmare ahead.

Deep in the mountain wilderness lies a secluded commune. A place of secrecy and solitude, the residents are highly superstitious. Each night they gather at the lake, hoping to glimpse what they believe lurks in its haunted depths. Where Drew and Isaac will soon learn that while you can't escape the demons of your past... sometimes you must fight to survive them.

 Get the book


  1. Your post was excellent! Your writing is both clear and compelling. Write more, please!

  2. Your post is a radiant example of brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and truly valuable. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


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