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Horror Weekly News: Two horror comedies to light up your holidays releasing in November


You might want to be careful about the next glass of soy milk you drink. 

In the movie AS WE KNOW IT, a soy milk recall causes the zombie apocalypse that has everyone running for their lives. 

James, a writer, is unaware of the outside world as he not only has to deal with writer’s block but a complicated relationship as well. 

In the trailer that was released recently, we find James brooding over his problems when his best friend Bruce shows up to give him a shocking piece of news. While James was wallowing, the world has become overrun with zombies. And that too because there was a soy milk recall. How does that lead to zombies will be revealed in the movie. There’s a possibility that the milk was probably contaminated in some way. 

Then there is James’ ex, Emily, who shows up and ends up getting stuck at the house when the zombies reach their neighborhood. 

The zombies are literally lunging at people while journalists report the incident casually. 

The trailer delivers the promise of a fun zombie movie that is bound to make you laugh. 

AS WE KNOW IT stars Mike Castle, Oliver Cooper, and Taylor Blackwell. 

The movie is written by Brandon DePaolo, Christopher Francis, and Josh Monkarsh who serves as director as well. 

AS WE KNOW IT releases on November 10th. 


 In other news…

Christmas may be more than a month away but we already have at least one horror movie dropping before then. 

In THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE BARN, we get to find out just how violent elves can be if you break their rules. 

In the trailer, we see a man trying to light the barn on fire when something attacks him. We then meet an American family who have inherited a house in Norway but the teenage girl is quick to state that the house is in the middle of nowhere. Now that is never good in horror movies, is it? 

The little boy wanders to the barn and notices a movement. He warns his family of an intruder but of course they don’t take it seriously. 

The boy doesn’t give up and learns about the creatures living there who have a strict set of rules. They don’t like people changing anything about their surroundings, they don’t like artificial lights, and they definitely don’t like loud music. And what do you know? Before the boy can warn his family, all of the rules have been broken almost immediately. 

This results in the elves becoming angry and attacking everyone and everything in sight. 

Can the family save themselves and Christmas?

THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE BARN stars Amrita Acharia, Townes Burner, and Martin Starr. 

The movie is written by Aleksander Kirkwood Brown, Josh Epstein, and Kyle Rideout. Magnus Martens directs this film. 

THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE BARN releases on November 10th. 


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