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Horror Book of the Week: It's Your Turn Now by Theo Baxter


This week’s Horror Book Recommendation is IT’S YOUR TURN NOW written by Theo Baxter. Published in November 2023, the book is on the bestsellers list for Psychological Fiction and Domestic Thrillers. 

The book has received positive reviews so far and the customers who bought this book to be thrilling, suspenseful to the very end and fast-paced. The only criticism seems to be for the protagonist having repetitive thoughts and her character suddenly seeing a big change towards the end. 

Many have compared the book’s premise to be similar to that of Strangers on a Train which was produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


 This 1951 movie was based on a novel written by Patricia Highsmith. 

Strangers on a Train was about two strangers meeting on a train and making a deal to trade murders. Things obviously spiral out of control when one of them does not keep his end of the deal. 

Quick Book Review of IT’S YOUR TURN NOW based on sample

Daisy is on another visit to see the doctor and is constantly troubled by her husband, Bruce’s calls. He wants to know why she hasn’t returned home yet and whether the doctor she visited was a woman or not. 

Clearly, Daisy has an abusive and controlling husband who refuses to let her go anywhere. The fact that he lets her drive her own car is a privilege and Daisy is expected to be thankful for it. 

Daisy cannot leave him nor can she go back to her parents as is established in the opening. Her parents are conservative and she knows they will not support her decision to walk out of her marriage. Besides, Bruce is the mayor’s son. 

Trapped in a marriage and with her patience running thin, she finds solace in books. It is when she is browsing in a bookstore that she meets a stranger who immediately empathizes with her plight as he is dealing with a difficult spouse to. 

And then he proposes something that makes Daisy believe she can imagine a world without Bruce in it. The stranger literally picks out a Strangers on a Train novel out from a bookshelf. Coincidence?

The author does well in capturing the protagonist’s mental state and her helplessness. Daisy is trapped and what is worse is that she must be with her thoughts that remind her that she is in a cage while another part of her, the trapped one, longs to be free of Bruce. 

The writing flows smoothly and it helps that the story gets to the point quickly. 

Perhaps the only thing that sticks out in the beginning is how Daisy’s parents are known not to be supportive. It’s all about Daisy and Bruce and the author seems to add this bit as an afterthought rather than let it intertwine in the story. This is probably because as a reader you are bound to wonder why Daisy isn’t walking out already or getting her family involved. The two sentences quickly point out that no, sorry, Daisy’s parents like Bruce more because he’s a man. 

The story is definitely compelling and although it is similar to Strangers on a Train, the author still promises a shocking twist. 

IT’S YOUR TURN NOW Plot (Taken from

Daisy is desperate to escape her husband. But has she made a deal with the devil?

Daisy Costigan is desperate to leave her violent, controlling husband, Bruce. But she knows he’ll never let her go. And if she tries to escape, he’s promised he’ll do whatever it takes to track her down and have his revenge. She’s trapped.

One day Daisy meets a charming stranger in a bookstore. His name is Marco and he overhears Daisy’s terrified phone conversation with controller Bruce.

Marco makes Daisy an offer. He’ll take care of Bruce if she’ll help him with a little problem - his wife.

Daisy doesn’t really think he’s serious, but two days later Bruce is dead. And now Marco wants her to hold up her end of the deal. If she doesn’t, he says he’ll kill someone she loves.

Stalked by the unhinged Marco, Daisy finds herself in an impossible situation. Can she find a way to escape this terrifying man? Or will she be forced to do the unthinkable?



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