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Horror Weekly News: Guy Pearce stars in Thriller SUNRISE. SAW XI announced.


It isn’t being a sheriff in a small rural town with secrets. More often than not, the sheriff is bound to find themselves embroiled in some sort of small town ritual that is supposed to appease some entity that will bestow everyone with good fortune. 

In the recent trailer for SUNRISE, we get to see Guy Pearce’s character, Reynolds, roaming about the woods. The scene is intercut with his conversation with an old woman who knows every legend there is about the small town. Towards the end she may even provide insight into how to deal with the problem or in s surprise twist turn out to be the real monster. 

Anyway, Reynolds is told about the legend of Red Coat which he immediately derides it as being a story to scare kids. We are shown the town’s sheriff, Fallon, and his family. 

One night, he and his wife are dragged out from their homes. Fallon awakens to find himself tied to a tree as a creature approaches it. In the next instant, Fallon is freed and at a local’s house being offered blood. He then finds his wife still hanging from a tree and breaks down. 

His character goes through a transformation as he goes up against Gillespie and Reynolds. 

Reynolds is then seen inciting people and demanding that they no longer live in fear. 

The trailer shows just how utterly chaotic everything is going to be towards the finale. The rest of the movie may be a slow burn. The trailer surely gives a vibe of being the kind of movie that will pack all of its action only in the climax.

Directed by Andrew Baird, and Written by Ronan Blaney, the movie stars Guy Pearce, Alex Pettyfer, and Kurt Yaeger. 

SUNRISE will release on January 19th, 2024. 


 In other news…

Following the success of Saw X, there is going to be yet another sequel that will be part of the franchise. 

Saw XI has just been announced by Lionsgate and intended for a release during the fall season, next year. 

Details are yet to emerge on the new movie. Saw X won critical praise and was a box office hit. The filmmakers did mention that it was intended to be the character John Kramer’s final movie but considering the successful run of Saw X, we may just get to see Tobin Bell reprise his role as Jigsaw. 

Also, John Kramer doesn’t really die in the end of Saw X, does he? Considering Saw X was a sequel to the original Saw movie and a prequel to Saw II, the new movie may just continue on with being a direct sequel to Saw X. 

After all, the other antagonist, Cecilia Pederson also doesn’t die in the movie. Or we don’t get to see it anyway. 

Saw XI will release on September 27th, 2024. 

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