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Horror Weekly News: No Way Up Trailer sees passengers facing danger from all sides. Lord of Misrule trailer drops.

How many of us actually pay attention to the flight attendants as they make an announcement regarding the emergency exit. Sure, you know the basics. The oxygen masks are supposed to drop down, the life jackets are under your seat, and should the power go off, there will still be red lights on the floor guiding you towards the exit. 

And so we have stopped paying attention to these announcements mostly because we have travelled several times and nothing has ever happened. In recent years, air travel has become safer and convenient. 

But then there are times when things can go wrong. 

No Way Up is guaranteed to give you nightmares based on its recent trailer. 

Plane crash? Check. Trapped underwater? Check. Sharks? Double check. 

No Way Up combines all these elements to deliver a terrifying, nightmarish, yet entertaining movie. 

In the trailer, we find a group of people go off on a trip. Once they are on the plane, there is some turbulence and before the flight attendant can assure them all that they are going to be fine, there is an explosion. 

People go flying about, seats are ripped off and the plane ends up in the sea. 

Fortunately, most of the passengers are safe but they are running out of oxygen. A passenger remembers that another one was carrying an oxygen tank and swims back to retrieve it. 

They have oxygen now and luckily help has arrived too! Just in time. But before the passengers can heave a sigh of relief, they notice a shark behind the divers. In the very next second, sharks are attacking the plane. 

It seems like the viewers will find themselves at the edge of their seats with this movie. 

Directed by Claudio Fäh, and written by Andy Mason, the movie stars Sophie McIntosh, Colm Meaney, and Jeremias Amoore. 

No Way Up will release early next year. 


 In other news…

Beware little towns and their harvest festivals. Something always goes wrong in the horror movies based off them. 

In the Lord of Misrule trailer, we find just how creepy things can get for the new minister in town, Rebecca Holland. Everything is going great in this close-knit community until the harvest festival, when Grace goes missing. 

Rebecca frantically searches for her daughter and even appeals to the residents to pray for her daughter’s return. But one of them tells her that no, he will not as the lord does not have her daughter. 

Rebecca then learns of the local legend of “He who waits in the fields”. Just who is this being and why does he want little kids? 

It doesn’t take long before most of the residents dress up in costumes and masks and show that they are in a cult that believes giving little children to “He who waits in the fields” will grant them miracles. 

Plagued my nightmares and the horror of the society she is living in, can Rebecca find her daughter in time?

Directed by William Brent Bell, and written by Tom de Ville, the movie stars Tuppence Middleton, Ralph Ineson, and Evie Templeton.



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