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Horror Weekly News: Two Christmas themed horror movies headed for December 8th release


It is almost that time of the year when people start believing in goodwill, community and genuinely being kind to everyone. It is that time of the year when we should give if we can and help those we can. 

And for horror fans, here is yet another movie to get you through. Or for anyone else who isn’t in much of a holiday mood this year. 

In the new trailer for THE SACRIFICE GAME, a couple of boarding school girls are unable to go home for Christmas. But they don’t let this hold them back from celebrating the festival. Since the girls are not fishing out their smartphones and there are vinyl records playing, let’s assume it is the seventies.

The girls are setting the table one evening when there’s a knock on the door. Enter our villain along with a shady aide. There is no way he looks sincere and one of the girls readily invites him in because why not? It is that time of the year when one must be hospitable. They must also not care if it is a good idea to invite strangers in or not considering there is a whole newspaper article about serial killers being on the loose. 

But since we don’t get to see the following scene, let’s assume the guy threatened her and then got in. 

The girls are sitting tied up in the next scene while our villain, in a bad boy brown leather jacket and gelled back hair, announces that God does not hear prayers but accepts sacrifices. We see blood, witch circles, and people running about until the villain finally discards his jacket and shows his bright white vest. 

That means things are about to get serious and also the movie is heading towards an action-packed end. 

Will the girls get out alive? Maybe not all of them. 

The movie is directed by Jenn Wexler who is also the writer along with Sean Redlitz. 

Starring Mena Massoud, Olivia Scott Welch, and Madison Baines, THE SACRIFICE GAME releases on December 8th. 


 In other news…

Who isn’t looking forward to having a relaxing Christmas Eve in front of a fireplace. Cookies, eggnog, the crackle of fire is sure to be just one of the things anyone longs for on the holidays. But then Santa comes in down the chimney and suddenly he is attacking you. 

Not such a Merry Christmas after all, is it? 

For Nikki, she was enjoying her alone time on Christmas Eve when suddenly Santa pops up in front of her and slashes her wrist. There goes her glass of milk or eggnog with whiskey too. 

A year later, Nikki wakes up from a coma and assures the doctor and nurses that she didn’t do this to herself and that there was someone else there that night. 

Her friends comes in and try to cheer her up once she gets back home. They immediately plan a roadtrip. Nikki is apparently all up for it even after being in a coma for one year. It is time to have fun and she picks a remote cabin as the perfect getaway. 

They all drive to the middle of nowhere and then sit down to ask Nikki to tell them what exactly happened to her that night. She tells them about how Santa had attacked her. Not…maybe a man dressed as Santa had attacked her. In her mind, it was Santa who brutally attacked her. 

But Santa, or whoever is dressed as Santa is not done with her yet. It has followed her to the middle of nowhere and now attacking her friends. 

Just why does Santa want Nikki dead? 

Written and directed by Zac Locke, the movie stars Kaya Coleman, Cissy Ly, and Trey Anderson. 

SANTA ISN’T REAL releases on December 8th. 


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