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Horror Movie News: Abigail Trailer Drops. Dead Zone gets a comedic twist in Departing Seniors.


Children can be such monsters. In this case, it is a literal monster we are talking about. 

Coming this year, is a new vampire movie that is said to be loosely based on DRACULA’S DAUGHTER that was released in 1936. This movie in turn served as a sequel to DRACULA. 

Dracula’s Daughter was about Countess Marya Zaleska, Count Dracula’s daughter who believes her vampirism is a curse and wants to get rid of it. She believes that burning Dracula’s body will rid her of this curse but things do not go as planned and she eventually learns to accept her vampirism. 

However, there is no happy ending for her as she is stabbed with a stake to the heart by her manservant. 

The movie was not as successful as Count Dracula but nevertheless received good reviews. 

And now this whole project is being rebooted and given a modern twist. 

In this 2024 version, the movie is called ABIGAIL, and we see a group of criminals given charge of watching over a ballerina girl who has been kidnapped. The girl is supposed to be an underworld figure’s daughter. 

In the trailer, we get to see the four criminals entering a mansion and almost sympathize with the little girl called Abigail. But then Abigail reveals her true self and that she really isn’t a sorry little girl who needs help. 

The four criminals must now do whatever they can to survive this monster. 

Since Abigail is a ballerina, we even get a glimpse of her killer ballerina moves that will remind you of M3GAN just before she went for a kill. 

The movie stars Kathryn Newton, Dan Stevens, Melissa Barrera, Giancarlo Esposito, and the late Angus Cloud who will be seen in one of his last movie roles. 

The movie is directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, and written by Guy Busick and Stephen Shields. 

ABIGAIL will release on April 19th. 


 In other news…

It’s almost time for graduation and while many will remember the good ol’ times they had and let go of grievances against classmates they didn’t get along with, some of them, bullies, especially, will want to commit one last act of violence. 

Or at least in horror movies they will want to. 

In the latest horror-comedy movie DEPARTING SENIORS, get ready to see a modern, young adult take on the Dead Zone. Remember that novel by Stephen King, or the movie and TV series adaptation? 

Well, Departing Seniors is just like that, except it has a comedic twist. 

The movie trailer reveals more of the plot. We meet Javier, a student who is vastly different from his peers because of his orientation and race. While all the seniors are looking forward to graduation and being called Departing Seniors, the bullies decide to go ahead and harass Javier. But as they are bullying him, Javier falls down a flight of stairs and hits his head. 

When he awakens, he realizes that he can see into the future of anyone who touches him. But what he comes to realize is that there is a serial killer on the loose and he is after the seniors. Javier, being the good guy that he is, decides to save the seniors even though some of them are horrible bullies. His friend Bianca suggests he lets the serial killer get the bullies but Javier is determined to be the hero. 

Just who is the masked killer who wants all the seniors dead? 

The movie was released in film festivals last year and has received a 60 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie has been described as fun and engaging while the negatives are about the movie having a predictable mystery. 

The movie is directed by Clare Cooney and written by Jose Nateras. 

Starring Ignacio Diaz-Silverio, Yani Gellman, and Ireon Roach, DEPARTING SENIORS will release in theatres and streaming on February 2nd 2024. 


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