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Horror Weekly News: Mickey Mouse to star in a horror movie. The Hunted shows a grim world.


Before you can say, “There goes our childhood,” after learning about the twisted treatment the fairytales are getting, gear up for another cartoon character being transformed into a deranged killer. 

This time it is none other than Mickey Mouse who is going to go on a killing spree. But this isn’t our regular Mickey Mouse who has a fun club. This is the Steamboat Willie Mickey who made his debut in this 1928 movie. 

Now that the cartoon has entered public domain on January 1st, 2024, filmmakers and video game creators have already given Mickey the nightmarish transformation. 

While there is already a video game in the works called INFESTATION: ORIGINS that will feature Mickey, the movie trailer for MICKEY’S MOUSE TRAP has just dropped. 

Supposedly, the character’s name still cannot be used in full. That is movies and video games that are not produced by Disney, cannot call their character Mickey Mouse. That is still owned by Disney and they are doing whatever it takes to protect that. 

Which is probably why the movie has been titled Mickey’s Mouse Trap rather than Mickey Mouse Trap. 

In the trailer, we see a group of friends throwing a girl a surprise birthday party. Since she is stuck at work at the arcade, they decide to have a party there. 

However, a man in a Mickey Mouse mask begins to take them down one by one. 

Can the friends survive the night? Will one of them end up surviving alone and have to wear a tank top and be called the final girl?


Directed by Jamie Bailey, and written by Simon Phillips, the movie stars Simon Phillips, Nick Biskupek, and Mireille Gagné. 

MICKEY’S MOUSE TRAP has no release date set yet. 

Get a Steamboat Willie Collectible 

In other news…

A trailer for the movie THE HUNTED has just been released. The trailer shows a group of refugees getting on a boat, hoping to seek a better life in Europe. However, their boat capsizes midway. Luckily, they spot a cruise ship and find themselves amidst friendly passengers who promise to help them get to Europe. 

The refugees believe they are finally going to get to live a better life when suddenly, during dinner, a kid falls over. Before they can realize what is happening, the refugees realize that they have been drugged. 

When they wake up, they realize they are all a part of a twisted hunting game. If they survive it, they get to live in Europe. If they lose…

There is no answer except for a shrug. But we know what that means. In a hunting game, if one loses, it means they are shot dead. 

The refugees scramble to survive but it is obvious from the glimpses that we get that not all of them are going to survive. 

The movie will remind you of another hunting for people movie called THE HUNT. While that movie had undertones of humor, THE HUNTED seems a much darker and grim movie about refugees being treated as less than humans. 

The movie is directed by Louis Lagayette who is also one of the writers along with Jérôme Genevray. Alec Newman, Lily Banda, and Daphne Alexander star in this horror/thriller movie. 

THE HUNTED releases on 18th January. 

Watch THE HUNT on Prime Video


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