M3GAN--My Take on the Movie with Spoilers!


Plot: Gemma uses a life-like doll to help her niece Cady get over the tragedy of her parents. The doll takes her role in the family a little too seriously.

Remember that time when  there were killer doll movies coming out right after Chucky became a success?

Not all of them could pull off the sarcastic, psychotic killer doll vibes.

But can M3GAN finally be a worthy contender?

Before its release, M3GAN and Chucky have been having a go at each other on Twitter. While it was fun for a while, it left some users divided on who could actually beat whom in a fight.

While M3GAN is unforgiving, Chucky is relentless and a lot more violent.

M3GAN is however, a fun movie. Actually, it's a crazy fun ride, and with the violence kept to a minimum, it can be watched with your family.

M3GAN is unintentionally funny and engrossing. The characters are compelling and there is never a dull moment. The focus is always on the relationships between characters and doesn't complicate itself with too many scientific terms being thrown about.

The focus is not on the science behind the robotic doll but the horror that comes from the doll evolving as it learns and adapts to the environment.

It's a horror-comedy movie done well.

M3GAN Movie Plot

A new toy is being advertised. The furry dolls are marketed as perfect companions for kids because they also react to kids.

We then see a girl called Cady in the car, playing with the furry pet. It's a gift from her aunt Gemma who works at the Funki company as an engineer.

Cady's parents are up front, arguing about Cady's new toy, and the amount of time she is spending on the tablet.

They keep telling her to lower the volume as Cady plays something on her tablet.

When Cady drops her pet, she removes her seat belt to pick it up prompting her parents to turn around and remind her to be careful. The mother picks up the pet, hands it to her and puts on her seat belt. The father almost crashes the car and then is told to stop and wait until the weather is better and the snowplow comes to clear the roads.

The parents are arguing of how much time it could be when suddenly we see headlights.


The scene is almost comical but then we find out Cady lost her parents and it's not funny any more.

Gemma is at her office, working on with Cole and Tess on a new robot doll. The silicon face has just arrived and they put it on the robot.

As they test out her emotions, Gemma points out that her confused look seems more demented than confused.

Just then her boss David comes along with his assistant Kurt. He has some trouble opening the door which was purposely locked so his card wouldn't work. The trio groans and roll their eyes but let David in.

David shows them an ad of a rival company who has released a colorful pet toy. Gemma remarks it's a knock-off of their Petz but David tells them this toy is cheaper and they were supposed to be working on an economical version of Petz.

Gemma shows him the project she is working on.

David is initially impressed but when her voice becomes odd, Gemma realizes there is something off about the robot. It doesn't help that the silicon mask is stuck on the doll in an odd way because Cole was trying to take it off.

Cole then points out he forgot to put an important part in the robot. They all duck as the robot catches fire and explodes.

David tells them to focus on cheaper Petz rather than this. Gemma is moping, and her day is about to get worse.

She receives a call from the hospital. She finds her niece Cady at the hospital and is then told she is being released under Gemma's care.

Gemma is struck but these turn of events and helps in packing up all of Cady's things from her home. She then brings Cady to her house.

Before that, the neighbor's dog bumps again Cady's window. Gemma tells off her neighbor who is also spraying pesticides everywhere which causes some of it to stream into Gemma's driveway because of the hole in the fence.

They enter, and we see that the house is controlled with AI, and the assistant is Elsie.

As Cady looks at the toys on the shelves, Gemma tells her those are collectables. Cady tells her she was just looking. Gemma takes her to a room where there is an exercise bike. Clearly the room wasn’t cleared for Cady in time but she assures her that she will make it comfortable for her soon.

Gemma tries to lay down some rules such as using coasters and always flushing, and eat her vegetables, but Cady is not connecting with her yet.

At night, Cady wants Gemma to read her a story but she tells her she has no kids book. But not to worry, she can download books. However, there is an update she must do first. This scene was so relatable.

One day, a woman called Lydia shows up at the doorstep. Gemma remembers she's the therapist who wants to observe their relationship.

Lydia notices Cady still in her pyjamas and that they hardly play together. Lydia points at the toys but Cady tells her she is forbidden to play with them. Gemma tries to put in a good impression and reluctantly opens up one of the collectables.

Cady plays it like a ball, and Gemma offers to show what else it can do, only to receive a stern look from Lydia.

Gemma reluctantly plays pass with Cady, and Lydia is not impressed. Before leaving, she tells Gemma that Cady's grandparents are ready to take her in but Gemma doesn't want to let Cady go.

Later, Gemma and Cady talk. She asks Cady to hold down the Fort while she worked because she is way behind on her work. She promises she will take her out later for dinner or a treat.

We see Gemma working late on her Petz project, trying out different eyes and hair color. She isn't too happy with the results. Cady peeks in and Gemma realizes she broke her promise. She apologizes to Cady who comes to her with a childish drawing. Gemma acts impressed and then shows her the project she is working on.

Even Cady isn't impressed. So Gemma decides to show her a project she worked on in college: Bruce. It's a robot that works with gloves, and radars, and motion detectors. Cady is finally impressed and remarks if she had a toy like this she wouldn't want anything else.

Really? How would she play with the robot then? A ball is a toy. Dolls are toys. Slime, clay, etc....

Even if kids did receive a robot, they would still want some other toy to play with thag robot.

Anyway, Gemma is inspired to resume work on M3GAN and pushes back her presentation for Petz.

Finally it is ready, the only thing left is to choose her hair color. They go with Cole's choice. Blonde hair it is.

Gemma introduces Cady to M3GAN. But first, she has Cady pair with her.

David is called to see the interaction and he is surprised to see M3GAN.

The robot then walks to a table and invites Cady to draw with her. M3GAN makes some weird scratches with a yellow marker and shows it to Cady who can't see anything. That's when M3GAN spills water on the page.

David rolls his eyes thinking M3GAN has glitches again. And then he sees a portrait of Cady appear on the page and is surprised.

David is super impressed and calls Gemma in who assures him the girl isn't an actress but her niece. David wants to know the cost and if it would cost more or less than a Tesla. Gemma evades that question by replying "depends on the model".

David tells her he is setting up a meeting and she needs to get M3GAN and Cady ready for the presentation. Until then, they need to keep the project under wraps.

Kurt clearly didn't get the memo because he decides to transfer the M3GAN files to his drive, intending to sell the idea to a rival company.

David finds Kurt acting strangely but then sends him on a coffee run.

While M3GAN is hooked up, Gemma is on cloud nine while Tess looks worried. She thinks human interaction will cease because of dolls like M3GAN and Gemma is supposed to be the one connecting with Cady. She also worries about the lack of parental influence on other kids should they have a doll like M3GAN with them. Gemma doesn't think so and mentions that Cady is coping better with M3GAN after her parents' death.

M3GAN comes on and asks what death is. Gemma is surprised since she was supposed to be turned off. M3GAN doesn't wait for an answer and does her own research.

Gemma finds it annoying and makes herself a second primary user. Should it be secondary user?

M3GAN finally shuts up but her mouth is a bit contorted.

During dinner, Cady is once again pushing her vegetables aside and  not using the coaster. Gemma realizes M3GAN is no longer reminding Cady of manners and tells Cady she has to eat her food properly.

M3GAN intervenes and informs Gemma that it isn't a good idea to force kids to eat. Gemma tells her to shut it and turns her off. Cady is pissed that Gemma did that to her beloved doll. M3GAN,  although supposed to be turned off, doesn't look too happy. After Cady walks away, the lights flicker and Gemma calls for Elsie to find out what is happening, but the AI doesn't respond to her.

M3GAN turns herself on and mentions the conversation they were having before she was turned off. Gemma isn't about to take flak from a robot and makes her look at a pen. When M3gan looks up, Gemma presses the button on her side to switch her off.

In the morning, Cady is playing with bows and arrows. M3GAN is watching everything in an odd manner.

Cady then comes to M3GAN and tells her that she has lost one of her arrows. Cady goes off in search while M3GAN scans the environment for it. She spots the arrow through the hole in the fence.

When M3GAN goes to retrieve it however, she is pulled through by yhe vicious dog. Cady comes running to save her doll but the dog bites her. She does call for Gemma who is busy on her headphones. When Cady screeches, Gemma finally hears her and rushes out.

M3GAN looks comical in her tousled state while Cady weeps. Gemma lodges a complaint against the dog and the neighbor but is told nothing can be done about it.

Leave it to M3GAN.

At night, M3GAN tricks the dog into coming to her and drags him through the fence.

The next day is presentation  time but Cady clearly looks off. Gemma lets her make the choice and Cady braves through it.

At the presentation though, Cady breaksdown and talks about her grief with M3GAN. The president, along with the other superiors aren't impressed and David gives Gemma a look that says she screwed up.

But luckily M3GAN saves the day. She gives one look at the mirror as if silently admonishing Gemma for not being sympathetic or supportive of Cady, then comforts the little girl.

She asks Cady to share a special memory of her mother, and then plays it back to her, assuring her that she would act like a diary so that Cady can revisit her memories any time.

Cady is happy again and so is everyone at the presentation. Gemma is told to stay back and the President pours her a drink, asking if she would like to renegotiate her contract. David is pissed he didn't get a drink.

Gemma is instructed to keep M3GAN under wraps before the presentation before the investors. Also, they don't want rival companies to catch wind of it.

As time passes, Gemma notices Cady and M3GAN getting too attached, to the point that she doesn't listen to Gemma regarding eating her vegetables or using coasters.

Lydia makes another visit and M3GAN is present. When Lydia talks to Cady, and accidentally makes her cry, M3GAN gets mad. Lydia is shocked to see the robotic doll giving her a threat. She talks to Gemma about Cady having an unhealthy attachment to M3GAN.

Afterwards, Gemma tries to talk to Cady about joining school and to attend a camp so that she can adjust to being around other kids since she was homeschooled before. Cady isn't too happy since it means M3GAN won't be accompanying her. She puts her foot down and Gemma relents. M3GAN looks happy.

At the camp, M3GAN is put at the toys table, Gemma is told to make sandwiches, and Cady is paired with Brandon the bully.

Gemma has to hear Brandon's mother brag about her son only to have her son insult her publicly. As soon as Cady is partnered up with Brandon, M3GAN scans the boy.

The kids are sent into the woods for a scavenger hunt. Cady finds some thorny bulb that Brandon immediately presses into her hand. She squeals, alerting M3GAN.

Brandon is about to bully Cady when M3GAN appears. Curious, Brandon approaches the robot doll but she doesn't respond to him. He picks up the doll and runs. Cady calls out for Gemma and the first thing she looks at it is the empty spot where M3GAN was supposed to be.

Brandon throws M3GAN to the ground and straddles her. He then slaps her. M3GAN has had enough. She cannot stand naughty boys. She pulls Brandon's ear until it rips out. Then she casually flings it aside before telling him she's giving him a head start.

Brandon runs for his life while M3GAN chases him like an animal. Terrified, Brandon doesn't watch where he is going and rolls down the hill, right down to the road where at that exact moment a car comes to run him over.

Gemma huddles Cady while watching Brandon being taken away in a body bag. Cady glances at M3GAN who is watching the scene with interest.

At home, Gemma has to deal with more nuisance from her neighbor who accuses her of getting rid of her dog. Gemma assures the officer she has no idea.

At night, Cady asks M3GAN if she had anything to do with what happened to Brandon. M3GAN sings Titanium to her instead and assures her she will always protect Cady from harm. She also makes sure not to admit what she did to Brandon.

Late at night, the neighbor is calling out for her dog when she hears a noise coming from her garage. She goes inside to see M3GAN who has a surprise for her. A spray of insecticides right on her face. We are spared from what effect insecticides have on skin. All we see is blood streaming into the drain.

The next morning, the officer is back at Gemma's doorstep. Gemma tells him she doesn't know about the dog but the officer points to the scene behind him. She is shocked to see her neighbor being taken away in a body bag.

Gemma starts to put two and two together. After all, she had instructed her robot to protect Cady and she suspects M3GAN saw the neighbor as a threat.

She goes to her computer to check on the video files but finds them conveniently corrupted. She calls for Elise who turns on by asking how she is feeling today. Gemma is surprised considering that she never programmed her house AI to ask her that. She closes her laptop to find M3GAN standing there. They get into am argument but Gemma uses the pen trick to distract M3GAN and turn her off.

It is presentation day but first Gemma takes Cady to see Lydia while Gemma wraps up the robot doll after switching her off.

While Cady is with Lydia, Gemma talks to Tess and Cole about the doll being a potential killer. They obviously don't believe her. The doll takes that moment to fall sideways on the couch and everyone gasps. Clearly, they do find the doll creepy.

Gemma isn't sure how to convince everyone about M3GAN and leaves.

Cady is beyond herself. She wants M3GAN no matter what and creates a ruckus. Lydia is unable to handle the situation so Gemma comes into the room only to be slapped by a little girl.

Lydia begins to scold Cady but Gemma tells her she will handle it. She sits Cady down who apologizes for hitting her. Gemma tells her she has been unfair to her by not spending enough time with her and not being sympathetic to her grief. But she does tell Cady that she will always be there for her.

The two become sweet and nice to each other. Gemma pretty much tells Cady that they can go home and to hell with the presentation.

Tess and Cole have hooked up M3GAN and are testing her. They consider deprogramming her but she doesn't respond to their controls.

David, meanwhile is furious that enough people haven't shown up at the presentation and instructs his assistants to gather anyone from the streets.

Cole goes up to M3GAN and tries to unhook her but she has come alive and wraps a wire around his neck and hangs him. Tess goes to save him while M3GAN douses the controls and computer with flammable liquid.

Tess saves Cole who asks her what that awful smell is. The computer explodes but luckily the two are safe.

David is roaming about the building when he sees M3GAN. For some reason, she starts a dance, the very dance that is now viral. Her performance ends with her breaking the paper cutter and chasing David with the blade.

Kurt is in the elevator as David rushes to it. Kurt tries to close the doors but David enters at that very moment. Only for M3GAN to stab him from the back.

Kurt is horrified as M3GAN tells him she intends to frame him for murder since she knows he has been stealing company secrets. But she is also going to make the whole thing look like a murder-suicide.

She kills Kurt.

The elevator doors open just as the assistant is briefing the kids about the presentation. Everyone screams.

M3GAN, very stylishly, walks outside and picks the fanciest car to head home.

M3GAN Ending Explained with Spoilers!

Gemma puts Cady to bed. M3GAN comes over and plays the piano. She talks to Gemma about how they were supposed to be a team that is raising Cady. M3GAN expresses her disappointment at the way Gemma has been acting and suggests she raise Cady while Gemma ignores everything that is going on and work.

Gemma tries to act smart with the "distract the killer robot with a pen" ploy but M3GAN is on to her. She pins Gemma on the table. Their altercation causes Cady to wake up and ask what is going on.

M3GAN and Gemma are still on the right page about not letting Cady see violence. Cady keeps asking what is happening but both of her guardians try to shield her from their fight.

Cady leaves and the two really have a go at each other. M3GAN comes up with a genius plan to maim Gemma so that she can get sole charge of Cady. Gemma finds a weed whacker and runs it through M3GAN.

M3GAN looks silly with most of her hair gone and her face almost cut off. Cady comes to check and sees Gemma in a bad state.

M3GAN tries to get her to agree with her plan but Cady tells her she needs to introduce her to another family member...Bruce.

Cady joins her gloved hands and Bruce comes on. He splits M3GAN in half but she still goes after Cady. Gemma comes to her rescue and stabs M3GAN repeatedly but M3GAN is still too strong. Cady has learned violence by now and uses a screwdriver to stab M3GAN right where her processing  chip is.

M3GAN is gone now and beyond repair.

Tess and Cole arrive at Gemma's house with the police. Gemma and Cady leave their house, happy to be alive.

But do they all still have their jobs at Funki?

Right behind them, Elsie comes on. M3GAN had clearly interfered with the house AI. She's still alive.

The movie ends.

M3GAN is a super fun movie to watch with lots of thrilling scenes that incorporate elements of humor effectively.

Scare Scale: 4/5

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