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Horror Book Pick: Mother Knows Best by Boris Bacic


Mother knows best. Or do they?

Boris Bacic’s latest release MOTHER KNOWS BEST is this week’s Horror Book Find. 

The tagline, She will do anything for her son, even if it is against his wishes, sparks curiosity and intrigue.  

Published in March 2024, the book is on the bestsellers list for American Horror and Domestic Thrillers. 

The new novel is part of the Gripping Psychological Thrillers that currently has six books, all with positive ratings from customers. 

Mother Knows Best has been received well by readers who were surprised by the shocking twist in the end and the fast pace of the story. 


 Mothers can have a significant impact on our lives. If they are supportive, it can help build you into a positive and productive person. However, if they are toxic, it can negatively effect the way you view the world. 

The prologue of the book, touches upon these thoughts. We meet Adam who doesn’t know how to react when his friends discuss the toxicity traits in their mothers. His mother has always been supportive, but never coddled him. He was allowed to make his own decisions and mistakes. His mother is everything to him after his father passed away. 

We then meet his wife Beth and learn that her father suffered from terminal cancer and that she had to make several visits to the clinics and hospitals because of that. She has a good relationship with Adam’s mother but she also desires her privacy. She has also been in a cult and bears the evidence of it as a tattoo on her wrist. 

It is when Adam’s mother suffers a broken hip from a fall, that the plot takes an interesting turn. We get to see how these characters react in this situation. 

Adam wants to be near his mother but also nervous about his wife not wanting to spend a month with his mother under the same roof. He and Beth are trying for a baby and privacy is everything to them. 

Beth does care for Adam’s mother but she is clearly unhappy that she will have to share the apartment with her. Nevertheless, she makes an earnest attempt to make Adam’s mother feel comfortable.

Adam’s mother, is guilt-ridden that she is invading her son’s privacy and forcing him to take care of her. She keeps apologizing and Adam reassures her that she in not a burden to him or his wife. 

As per the plot summary, strange events will occur shortly which will create tension among all the characters, prompting Adam to ask his mother to leave. 

But the strange events still occur. 

Just what could be going on?

Boris Bacic effortlessly creates a story that is both believable and relatable. The way he is able to understand the conflict of choosing between family members is relatable, especially when it comes to taking sides. 

Adam’s struggle is relatable in the sense that he understands his mother’s unfortunate mishap as well as his wife’s efforts to be there for his mother while also wanting something for herself. 

And then there is Adam who is a well-written character with believable traits. 

What could the twist be? 

At this point the story seems straightforward and there might be some foreshadowing to Beth’s past in the cult. But if it is to be a shocking twist, could it be Adam who is orchestrating the strange events?

The book’s sample was definitely intriguing and I would want to read ahead to know just how the story will take shape. 

Mother Knows Best, is one of those books that I would want to continue reading. 

You can find the book here

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