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Horror Book Review: Hotel Chelsea by Jeremy Bates


Welcome to one of the world’s scariest places: Hotel Chelsea. 

This week’s Horror Book pick is HOTEL CHELSEA written by Jeremy Bates. The novel is part of a seven book series titled World’s Scariest Places. 

Hotel Chelsea is the sixth book in the series and just like the others, is a stand-alone novel. 

The book was published in September 2020 and can still be found in the bestsellers list for Ghost Suspense and Horror Suspense. 

The story is about a reporter, Malcolm Clock, who works for City Living, a magazine that covers everything from pop culture to current affairs. He is here to cover the renovations taking place at the historic Hotel Chelsea. 

The more time he spends at the hotel, the more he experiences unusual events which ultimately makes him wonder if there is something going on at the hotel and with its residents. 

There have been several positive reviews for the novel with many praising the book for being a real page-turner and bound to give you chills if you read it before bedtime. 

Readers thought that book had a variety of eccentric characters  and loved the author’s writing style and his ability to build a fascinating story. 

There were some negative reviews regarding slow-pacing in the middle of the book and the absurd ending which completely changes the book’s genre from horror to sci-fi. Many readers enjoyed the book but were disappointed with the way the book ended with what they believed was an implausible explanation. 


The year is 1884 and that is when the Hotel was supposedly built. We meet Arthur Schmid first. He is a man in his fifties who is a womanizer and given the title of being fashionable. In his introduction, it is mentioned that he has a lot of money and a lot of clothes. 

Arthur Schmid is having a drink with Sam Clemens, you know, the famed writer Mark Twain. Now, Mark Twain was really a guest at Hotel Chelsea so it is a good bit of trivia that the author has inserted here. 

The author is discussing his dream and how he is planning to write a novel, so far titled, A YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT.  The book will eventually be published in 1889. 

Anyway, Arthur makes eye contact with Nicola Krieghoff who is a budding actress. Arthur and Nicola are having an affair when he hears his wife’s voice on the other side of the door. Nicola is made to hide in a dumbwaiter which snaps and she falls. But she is not dead yet. She sees a glowing figure with red eyes, and that is when she loses consciousness. 

Years later, Malcolm, a magazine reporter, makes his way to the hotel to cover the renovations. He meets an older woman called Quinn and seems to like her even though she’s eccentric. She has a cockroach for a pet!

The sample ends just as we are introduced to a musician, Shane. 

No doubt, the story is engaging and draws you in immediately. The first horror scene fits in so seamlessly that it shocks and makes you want to sympathize with the character. 

The dialogues and the characters are definitely well-written and you will find yourself turning pages to find out where the story is headed. 

It is one of those books you will want to read in one sitting. 

Would I want to read more? Definitely. 

You too can read this book. 


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