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Do we really need a Ready or Not Sequel?


Ready or Not...Here I Come.

Could this be the title of the sequel to the 2019 film?

If only.

As per recent reports, a sequel to Ready or Not is in the works with Samara Weaving reprising her role as Grace from the original movie.

Ready or Not was one of those movie with a stellar star cast, a staggering twist, and a bizarre climax.

It starts off with a fairytale wedding for Grace and Alex. Right before the wedding, Grace is even given an out, but she believes Alex is being playful and doesn’t take him seriously.

She should have.

Everyone talks about their in-laws being an absolute nightmare. Grace's in-laws are on a completely different level.

When she finds out she has to play a game on her wedding night, Grace plays along until she realizes that it is her life that is at stake.

A simple hide and seek game quickly takes a treacherous turn when she realizes that her in-laws are not only seeking her but hunting her down.

In time, Grace learns that the family she married into has made a deal with the devil in exchange for wealth. And she is the one who must pay the price for it with her life.

Grace uses her smarts to escape every dangerous situation until the sun rises. While the surviving in-laws accuse her of being the reason behind their downfall, Grace feels betrayed by her own husband who refused to tell her the truth or help her.

As soon as the sun rises, each of the surviving members explode. Grace has blood on her wedding dress when the police arrive.

The sequel may show us what happened after.

Did an investigation take place? Was Grace send behind bars for being the prime suspect for what happened to one of the wealthiest families in the city?

And since the family had made a deal with Le Bail, the supposed devil, does the deal pass on to her now that she married into the family too?

Shr is a widow now and not a divorcee, so must she too carry on the legacy of the family and conduct sacrifices in order to keep the fortune.

And what are the chances that Grace will be pregnant in the sequel?

Ready or Not worked as an independent movie. We as viewers got our closure. While it has become a trend to produce reboots and sequels rather than come up with more original stories,  Ready or Not didn't really need a sequel.

A sequel will find convoluted ways to stretch the story and place Grace in absurd situations just to keep the story going.

Take for example Samara Weaving' character Bee in the Babysitter movies. In the first part she was protective of Cole and didn't want him to actually get hurt but she did what she had to get what she wanted. In the sequel, Bee is now a good person who saves Cole.

While the sequel wasn't bad, it completely gave a spin to the original story that while entertaining, didn’t really fall into place.

That's what the sequel of Ready or Not may end up being, just a story that doesn't exactly fit into the series.

A good, solid story can still save it though and of course, Samara Weaving is a capable enough actress to do justice to just about any character she is given, especially when it is in the dark comedy horror genre.

Let's see what the sequel to Ready or Not has to offer. 


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