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Horror Book of the Week: THE FINAL SCENE by Steph Nelson


The scene is set, but you may not want to be a part of it. In fact, you will definitely not want to be part of the scene in this next horror book of the week. 

Titled THE FINAL SCENE, this suspenseful novel is written by Steph Nelson. 

The novel was published by Ticking Clock Press in February 2024 and is 300 pages long. 

You can find the book on the bestsellers list for Murder Thrillers and Serial Killer Thrillers.

The book currently has a rating for four stars and the reviews are mainly positive. Readers who bought this book found it to be gripping and did not see the twist coming. 

Some readers thought that given the theme of the book, there was no need to include a romance between two characters. Also, many felt that the ending was rushed and the situation was too conveniently resolved. 


The first sentence in the book will grab your attention and never let go. 

The author is skillful enough to actually create an impactful first line that many writers often find challenging to write. 

We are introduced to Brooke who recounts the day she was kidnapped. It was an ordinary day and she was going about her usual day when she spots a stranger and like any woman who has learned to be careful about her whereabouts, her intuition kicks in and she grows wary of him. 

Just about when she thinks she was wrong about him, he grabs her and drugs her. 

We then learn that ten years has passed since she was taken. 

That’s enough to send a chill down your spine. 

In the next chapter we learn that Brooke has been living in a bizarre situation in which a man called Mitch has been kidnapping people for a seventy year old woman called Grace. 

Grace appears to have some psychological issues in which she wants these kidnapped victims to enact people from her family. She is apparently trying to make peace with her past by forcing people into playing parts from a scene. 

Those who don’t follow the rules are instantly killed. Brooke has survived for this long because she has been doing exactly as she has been told. Those who don’t play their part well, are instantly murdered and Mitch is tasked with finding replacements. 

This bizarre situation is enough to make you want to sympathize with Brooke and want her to get out of this situation safely and back to her daughter. 

The author engages you with her fast-paced writing style from the very first line and keeps you intrigued with the horrific premise. The introduction of Grace in the book does give strong PEARL vibes, though. 

She appears to be just as unhinged as Pearl was. 

To Read or Not to Read?

The Final Scene is one of those books you will be glad to add to your TBR list. The premise is intriguing enough for you to want you to find out how Brooke makes it out alive. 

She will, won’t she?

I would definitely want to continue reading this book. 

Get the book


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