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Horror Movie Weekly News: Neve Campbell returns to the Scream franchise.


Get ready to scream because the seventh installment in the Scream franchise is now moving ahead with Neve Campbell returning. 

Initially, the Scream franchise had introduced new leads, Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega. But after Melissa Barrera was fired and Jenna Ortega departed the project,  director Christopher Landon exited as well. 

That left the franchise in turmoil and many fans anxious as to the future of the franchise. 

Fortunately, the production house quickly bounced back from all these setbacks by finally bringing back Sidney Prescott back into the franchise. 

Sidney Prescott, played by Neve Campbell, has been an integral part of the franchise. In Scream 5, she was sidelined to make way for the new generation that included Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jasmin Savoy Brown, and Mason Gooding. 

The movies did well and a sequel, Scream 6 was greenlit. However, Neve Campbell declined to star in it, stating that she did not get the pay she deserved considering the value she brought to the franchise. 

It seems, that the studio is finally ready to give Neve Campbell the pay she deserves. Not only is Neve Campbell set to return with Kevin Williamson directing, talks are on for Patrick Dempsey and Courtney Cox to return as well. 

When we last saw Sidney, she had moved on from Woodsboro and was married and living with her husband Mark. 

Scream 6 took place out of Woodsboro too, so perhaps we may see Scream 7 taking place in a new city, and closer to Sidney’s home. 

So far no release date has been set for Scream 7. 

Jack is back! 

If you’ve ever played with a Jack-in-the-box and thought it made a funny prank for unsuspecting victims, well, here is a horror movie about it. 

The JACK IN THE BOX series began in 2019, had a sequel in 2022 and now has a new sequel JACK IN THE BOX RISEA releasing this year. 

The movie came with an interesting tale about how the seemingly innocent toy, was actually a way to keep demons trapped. Of course demons don’t stay trapped in small places for long and soon enough they are released to cause havoc on the world.

In the first movie, the demon is found when a man unearths a jack-in-the-box and unwittingly unleashes a demon who requires six sacrifices. 

In the sequel, Jack makes a deal with an ailing woman who agrees to help the demon attain six souls. Jack may have gone on a killing spree but his plans are thwarted by the caretaker. 

In the third part, the box now makes it to a girls boarding school. A new student unleashes the demon upon the others and Jack goes on yet another killing spree. Can he be stopped in time or will he claim more victims in this sequel? 

Geoff Fowler and Lawrence Fowler and Writers and Producers of the movie. Directed by Lawrence Fowler, the movie stars Nicholas Anscombe, Anna Blackburn, and Georgina Jane. 

JACK IN THE BOX: RISES releases on April 9th. 


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