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Horror Weekly News: The Watchers trailer drop. Netflix acquires Don't Move produced by Sam Raimi.


Do not go out after dark. Especially in the woods. 

M.Night Shyamalan’s newest feature is here but this time he is only producing. Helming THE WATCHERS is his daughter Ishana Shyamalan. 

The Watchers is based on the 2021 novel of the same name, and written by A.M. Shine. 

The novel was about a young woman called Mina, whose car breaks down on her way to deliver a parrot. Since she is in the woods, a woman called Madeline, pulls her inside a cabin. Inside, she finds three more strangers, and is warned not to go out in the dark as there are creatures outside that could kill them. 

Eventually Mina, along with the others find out that them being in a cabin is a way for them and a Professor to safely study the creatures outside that are called the Watchers. 

The Professor helps them escape, and after a few casualties, Mina finds her way to the Professor’s office where she is told to destroy his study. Over there, she finds out that Madeline is his wife although she supposedly died years ago. 

Mina soon realizes that Madeline may be a Watcher too and has shape-shifted to look like the professor’s wife. The group assume that Madeline will now come after them to hide her identity and the Watcher’s ultimate mission to merge with the human race by disguising themselves. 

The novel ends with Mina barely making an escape. The novel leaves room for a sequel. 

Will the movie adaptation follow the same plot or will we get one of Shyamalan’s trademark twists?


 In the trailer drop, we see Dakota Fanning playing Mina and we see her looking horrified as she is brought into a cabin that has a mirror as a wall on one side. She is then told that the Watchers are studying her from the other side and that it is actually a window. 

Will Mina be able to escape? 

In the book she does, so most probably yes, she will. 

The movie also stars Georgina Campbell, Jacob Greenway and Olwen Fouéré. 

THE WATCHERS releases on June 14th. 

You can run, you can hide but can you escape your plight?

Netflix has just picked up worldwide rights to Sam Raimi backed horror-thriller movie DON’T MOVE. 

Sam Raimi has also produced BOY KILLS WORLD which will release on April 26th. 

Sam Raimi had previously directed DRAG ME TO HELL. The movie is not only a favorite among horror fans but is still remembered today for its relevant themes even though upon its release it was called a campy horror movie by critics. 

Although Sam Raimi hasn’t directed many horror films since the 2009 Drag Me to Hell, he has, over the years, produced several horror movies like The Grudge, Evil Dead and Don’t Breathe. 

In Don’t Move, a killer injects a grieving woman with a paralytic agent. The two are apparently in a forest and the woman now has to run, hide, and fight before her body shuts down completely. 

Will she be able to find a remedy in time or will she perish? 

Written by T.J. Cimfel and David White, the movie is directed by Brian Netto and Adam Schindler. 

The movie stars Kelsey Asbille, Finn Wittrock, and Daniel Francis. 

There is no release date set yet for DON’T MOVE . 


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