Something in the Water (2024)-- My take on the movie with spoilers!


Plot: Five friends embark on an adventure only to face danger in the open sea.

There is something in the water.

Sharks, of course. What else could it be? Mermaids?

Wouldn't it be interesting to see one movie where people are attacked by something other than sharks.

Maybe a killer dolphin or something unsuspecting like mutated and venomous starfish.

But no, it's sharks again.

Although, this sharkploitation movie is actually a decent watch. You may even shed a tear if you get too involved.


Meg and Kayla are walking down the street at night when a group of women begin making fun of the couple.

Kayla, never the one to back down, insults them back even though Meg advises her to stay quiet.

One of the women attacks Meg from behind and pushes her down the stairs. The others beat her up and force Kayla to watch helplessly.

Meg loses consciousness.

Some time later, Meg is headed to one of her friends, Lizzie's wedding.

She is at the airport, listening to an audio that helps her stay calm since she suffers from anxiety attacks following the traumatic incident. In fact, she flinches even as someone comes close to her.

She receives a text from another friend called Cam who apologizes for not picking her up and instead sending Kayla.

Meg isn't too happy about it and Kayla is too guilt-ridden to say much to her.

They manage to make an awkward conversation on the ride to the resort after which they enjoy themselves spending time with their friends Lizzie, Cam and Ruth.

The next day, adventurous Cam comes up with a brilliant idea to go on a boat and see some reefs or an island or something.

The girls are expecting to sip champagne on a yacht but their hopes are dashed when Cam stops near a yellow motorboat.

The girls are disappointed but are eager to have fun. Right before the go off, they make a remark about Titanic. It's never a good sign to talk about the Titanic.

And off they go and stop by an island. Meg and Kayla hop off first. Cam turns on the boat again and tells the two to talk things out. It was a ploy all along to get Meg and Kayla together again.

The two feel awkward at first but then ease into a conversation before Meg tells her that they should trick their friends.

While Cam and Ruth are playing in the water, Lizzie is laid out in the sun. She's getting married tomorrow and isn't worried about getting sunburnt it seems.

Meg and Kayla walk in, holding hands. They tell Lizzie that they are getting married too and will share her wedding tomorrow. Lizzie is happy the two are together but not too thrilled to share her wedding.

Ruth is showing Cam a dance or exercise move when she suddenly freezes. Soon enough there is a pool of blood forming under her.

Now, she was barely in waist-deep water so just how did a shark come and take a bite of her leg?

Anyway, the girls scream and pull Ruth out of the water. There is no first aid kit on the boat so Lizzie's scarf is used as a bandage.

Ruth begins mumbling about running marathons and how she even ordered her shoes in her favorite color orange.

Realizing that she is getting delirious, they carry her to the boat.

Lizzie is given the driver's seat and she drives it as fast as she can. Cam realizes they are going over the reefs and rocks, and sounds am alarm but Lizzie realizes it too late.

And just like in Titanic, their boat hits a rock, not an iceberg. One of them comes up with a brilliant idea of stuffing a shirt in the hole and then try to dump water out with their hands.

Cam searches for life jackets and finds only one. She gets rewarded with angry stares and insults.

They put the jacket around Ruth when Lizzie declares that she cannot swim.

Fortunately, there is a float, one only, that Lizzie can use.

The girls find themselves in water as the boat sinks.

They decide their next steps and Kayla announces that since she is the strongest swimmer, she's going to swim north and find help. The others let her go and decide to stay in one spot.

Soon enough, while they are trying to uplift spirits and mock Ruth's accent, they find out that their friend has passed away.

Since there is a shark circling around, they realize that the blood coming from Ruth's leg is attracting it. So they take off her lifejacket and offer the shark a sacrifice.

They watch Ruth float away and then chomped on by a shark. Lizzie is glad to finally find a life jacket.

Time passes and Lizzie moans about her missed manicure and pedicure appointments. She blames Cam for everything. The two get in a fight and Cam screams that Meg deserves to know the truth.

The truth, as Meg finds out, is that Kayla was going to propose to her on the night of the attack but chose to piss off some hoodlums instead.

Meg wants to swim after Kayla but the shark has returned. Cam decides to be a hero and use Lizzie's advice to punch sharks in the gills or eyes. She manages to land one punch but realizes she has been cut as well.

The blood attracts the shark and she readies herself with a knife.

Lizzie tries to provide distraction for the shark but it decides that Ruth was hardly a decent meal and is hungry for one more girl.

The shark gobbles up Cam and Meg and Lizzie are devastated.

The shark leaves them alone for a while as the sun is getting hotter. Meg and Lizzie's faces have become pink. Without food for a long time, the two feel weak and tired.

They see a yacht coming towards them and scream for help, but loud music drowns out their cries and the two watch the yacht knave helplessly.

The two get weary under the hot sun.

When Lizzie wakes up, she finds storm clouds over her. She wakes up Meg and the two cling to each other as the storm comes in.

Lizzie tells Meg how much she values her friendship and is glad to be sharing a wedding with her. Meg comes clean about Kayla and her only tricking their friends.

Lizzie passes Meg the friendship bracelets she was going to gift all of them.

Meg grows tired again and sleeps. When she comes to, the sky has cleared and she is wearing Lizzie's lifejacket.

Meg realizes that Lizzie sacrificed herself for her since help wasn't coming soon enough and Meg would not make it because she was getting tired.

Meg frantically searches for her friend but doesn't see her anywhere.

She starts to swim and spots a shark. Knowing she won't be able to swim for long, she heads to the rocks jutting out.


Meg lays on the rocks as the shark targets her. She bumps her leg against the rocks causing a bleeding.

She lays tired, sleeps, and wakes up to find the tide coming in. Her blood has attracted a shark who has also brought in a friend.

But just then she spots a boat. It's Kayla and she has brought help!

Meg swims towards the boat as the two sharks follow her.

Kayla just about manages to pull Meg in as the shark misses its bite.

The two are safe and Meg tells Kayla that no one else has survived. Meg removes the friendship bracelets from her pockets and weeps for her dead friends.

The movie ends.

Something in the Water sticks to the point and doesn't drag along with useless plot twists. It focuses on friendships and trauma more than the sharks and perhaps that's what makes it slightly better than the other shark movies out there.

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