Stereotypical Characters in Horror Movies Pt. 1

 The Old Guy/ Woman

1. Get off my lawn

Until the movie reaches its climax, the elderly person is aloof and doesn't want much to do with the main character. In fact, they want to be left alone. The main character may try to chat them up but they will literally tell them to get off their lawns.

2. Possesses knowledge no one else does

Just when the protagonist has run out of options on how to defeat the ghost or monster, turns out the elderly neighbor everyone thought was cuckoo, knows every little bit of history about it. And how to defeat it. If only the protagonist hadn't judged the elderly so harshly.

3. Sacrifices their life

In the end battle, the protagonist may start to lose against the monster or ghost. But don't worry, the elderly character is ready to lay down their lives for this total stranger just because.

They may not even like the protagonist but they hate the monster more. Or they're just tired of being someone's side story. So off they go interfering in someone else's business and throwing their life into peril even though they explicitly told the min character that they wanted nothing to do with them.

4. They have rare books and artifacts

While the protagonist is wondering how to escape the monster, they are driven to ask the elder character for help who happens to have just the book with all the information about the creature. And sometimes they even have the rare weapon, in the form of an artifact, that can take down the enemy once and for all.

5. They are abandoned by their family

No one comes to visit them. Not even friends. Their family is ungrateful and unworthy of their attention. Luckily, the protagonist becomes the family they deserved which is probably why they decide to put themselves in harm's ways towards the end.

6. Often suspected by the protagonist

In the beginning of the movie, the older character is gruff and unfriendly. So when someone is murdered, they are the prime suspects. But that doesn't mean that they are going to tone down their temper. It is up to the protagonist to figure out that they were innocent all along and can explain what is going on in their haunted house.

7. Usually afflicted with some disease

The elderly are not only subjected to loneliness, but also given diseases where they are given limited time to live. Regardless of their sickness, they turn out to be brave and helpful.

8. Uses curse words

They are old and have lived their youth being in their best behavior. They are sick of the new generation showing them no respect and making fun of their plaid shirts and political views. Enough is enough. They are aware they can kick the bucket at any time and so they decide to do away with manners.

Sometimes their use of curse words is used in hilarious situations. In other circumstances they are shunned for their unfriendly ways.

9. I told you so

The protagonist will go out of their way to be friendly to their elderly neighbor only for them to be antagonistic towards the partner. By the time the movie is in the second act, the elderly character has formed a somewhat friendship with the protagonist but goes out of their way to show how much they dislike the husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend.

Why? Because as it turns out, the partner is the main villain and the elderly character has special alarm bells to warn them of their true intentions.

Always listen to the elderly.

10. Have a pet that they immediately lose

Everything is going fine and well until the protagonist moves into the neighborhood and the killings begin. The first victim— the elderly's pet. Usually it's a cat or a dog and the poor creature, who was the elderly's only companion, is killed. They make a hue and cry about the protagonist being responsible for but are forgiving enough to put their lives at risk for them in the end.

What would we do without the elderly?

Probably nothing. Who else is going to help us with urban legends and mythology so that we can defeat evil?

The elderly, no doubt, play an important part in horror movies.


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