Horror Book of the Week-- Hairpin Bridge by Taylor Adams


This week’s Horror Book of the Week is HAIRPIN BRIDGE written by Taylor Adams. 

The author of No Exit, Taylor Adams, writes another bestselling book full of thrills that is riveting and fast paced. The book was published in 2021 and is a bestseller in the Political Thrillers and Suspense category. 

The book has received positive reviews for its fast pace, suspenseful story and intriguing characters. Some fans of the author were disappointed because they felt it wasn’t as suspenseful as the author’s previous works and found some plot elements to be far-fetched. 

Quick Book Review of Hairpin Bridge 

The story opens with Lena’s POV. She meets with Corporal Raymond Raycevic who guides her to the scene where her sister Cambry allegedly committed suicide. 

Lena is a blogger who wants to investigate what really happened to her sister. Her sister was found at the bottom of Hairpin Bridge, a place that is rumored to be haunted. Lena doesn’t want to believe that ghosts killed her sister, which is why she requires Raymond’s help in piecing together all the events that led to him finding her sister laying below the bridge. 

The story does invite interest and Lena does deserve sympathy for losing her twin. 

The premise, however, is replete with prosaism. It doesn’t excite you nor does it keep you guessing with what is coming next. There is no sense of curiosity incited as you read through the story. 

In fact, the first few pages are forgettable. The writing, though adept, doesn’t instill the motivation to keep turning pages. It is the kind of story you have read before or seen in movies. Lena’s sister is missing and she has gone off investigating on her own with the help of an officer who is a little too helpful. 

The story needed better arrangement and perhaps could have started with a glimpse of Chambry’s POV before moving forward to Lena’s blog entry and then her subsequent interaction with the Corporal. 

Hairpin Bridge may be an interesting story but it could use better editing and character development. 

To Read or Not to Read?

Hairpin Bridge is written by Taylor Adams who wrote No Exit which was an excellent thriller. There was suspense and intrigue with enough thrills to keep the reader turning pages. 

Perhaps Hairpin Bridge may also pick up the pace after the sample ends. It may just deliver the thrills that are lacking in the first few chapters. 

I would continue reading just because No Exit was an excellent thriller and based on that novel’s reputation, I will give this novel a shot. 

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