Bad CGI Gator-- Ending Explained with spoilers


Plot: Six friends on a spring break toss their laptops into the lake, unaware there is an alligator lurking nearby who ends up getting charged up.

There's something about watching a movie that claims to have a huge budget and ends up being disappointing because something that is made on a computer will never be as perfect as the real thing.

But how many filmmakers are ready to admit that their graphics are not up to the mark. Probably none of them which is why it is refreshing to see BAD CGI GATOR.

You've already been warned about the quality of the graphics but what about the story?

The story is as ridiculous as it could be yet, considering the theme, it actually works. The actors, too, end up giving a believable performance and adhere to their sterotypes religiously.

The movie may seem absurd at first glance but when you actually give it a shot, you'll realize that it is actually quite entertaining.

BAD CGI GATOR Movie Plot and Summary

A fisherman goes to a lake and notices a board that says there are alligators in the area. He tosses the sign away to show he doesn’t care.

He didn’t need to throw it away and could just ignore it but he decides to make his indifference obvious.

In the lake, a gator is swimming about and he approaches the man. The fisherman takes one look and scoffs because the threat is just a baby alligator. He taunts the poor gator and tells him to come back when he grows up.

Some time later, six obnoxious friends ride up to a cabin. They are handsy couple Paisley and Pearce, airhead couple Chad and Sarah, introvert Sam, and the bold Hope.

The first thing they do is quickly check their phones and realize that there is no network. So now when they run into trouble, there will be no help coming their way.

The next thing they do is decide to throw laptops into the lake. Sam doesn't want to because he still has his work on it but peer pressure wins and the laptops are thrown in.

While the friends go about their way, and Sam makes it obvious he has a crush on Hope, unknown to them, the baby gator in the lake becomes all charged up and ends up looking like a cheaply rendered alligator.

The friends continue their obnoxious behavior and play drinking games until Paisley and Pearce go out to make out.

While they are making out, Paisley sends Pearce to get contraceptives. She is blindfolded and so unable to see that she is being touched not by her boyfriend but an alligator. When she sees who it is, she freaks out but by then the alligator has clasped its teeth around her leg. Paisley immediately loses her leg and we don't get to see her fate just yet.

Pearce returns but his head is immediately gobbled up by the gator.

The friends who are indoors, hear screams and when they look outside, find their friend without a head.

As soon as they see the alligator they all freak out but of course, since they don't have working cellphones, they cannot call for help.

Chad, who considers himself the strongest in the bunch (it's in his name after all) decides to tackle the threat head on.

He goes out to fight the gator one on one but ends up being swallowed whole. The alligator has a voracious appetite, clearly.

The friends learn that Paisley is very much alive even with one leg. They try to help her but fail miserably. She ends up getting eaten.

Soon enough, they learn that the gator can float and sit on the roof and keep stalking them.

Sarah tries to get to the car and Hope tries to help by distracting the gator with a vegan dip but this only ends up enraging the gator. He hates the dip and is greatly offended.

BAD CGI GATOR Ending Explained

Sarah loses the arm that is holding the keys. The gator prefers it to the dip.

Hope and Sam close the curtains, unable to bear to see any more violence.

While the gator roams about Hope and Sam get to talking about how much they disliked their friends. Sam admits to stalking Hope's instagram.

Hope is so impressed she kisses Sam.

In the morning, the two wake up to find Sarah is dead and the car keys still in her severed hand.

The two come up with the idea to distract the gator with music. They turn on the bluetooth speaker and throw it out the backyard.

The gator gets distracted and goes the other side to gobble up the speaker. Fortunately gators don't suffer from indigestion by being on a diet of humans and electronic devices.

The bluetooth speaker charges up the gator even more and he becomes bigger.

Hope tries to pry the keys out of Sarah's dead hand but when it doesn't come out, she tosses the arm to Sam so he can start the car.

The two are able to drive away a bit before the gator comes towards them. They freak out when they see how big the gator has gotten.

Luckily for them, the bluetooth speaker runs out of battery. Without the charge running through it, the gator loses its powers and returns to its normal baby gator state.

But what about the power surge from the laptop? Quite possibly, that ran out too.

The couple drive off to safety and Sam holds Hope's hand as a romantic gesture only to realize he is still clutching Sarah's cold dead hand.

The baby gator is alive and well, and possibly be seen again in a sequel.

The movie ends.

Bad CGI Gator may not win any awards or be called the best movie of the year but it is entertaining and it helps that movie is hardly an hour long. Which means that at least you don't have to sit through long drawn out scenes with forced jokes.

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