Guess The Horror Movie: Game 10

Welcome to another edition of Guess the Horror Movie! 

Can you guess this week's Horror Movie title?

Let's see how quickly you can work out the title from these clues

1. Released in 2009, the movie is still considered one of the best horror movies made.

2. The director has previously directed a Marvel trilogy.

3. The director is also the writer in this movie alongside his brother.

4. Following the movie's release, a fan theory suggested that the protagonist wasn't experiencing supernatural events but was hallucinating due to an eating disorder.

5. The movie was initially offered to Elliot Page.

6. The actress playing the main character does not in real life, enjoy watching horror movies.

7. The actress has since then retired from acting.

8. The co-star is known not to fare well in horror movies but survives in this one.

9. The movie is about an employee trying to impress her boss.

10. In the movie, the employee ends up rejecting a request from an old woman. The employee ends up being cursed by the old woman. 

Have you guessed the answer yet? No? 


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