Guess the Horror Movie: Game 9

Welcome to another edition of Guess the Horror Movie. Can you guess this week's horror movie? 

Let's see how many hints it takes you to guess the horror movie title. 

1. This is a revenge thriller movie remake and released in 2009. The original was released in 1972.

2. In the original, an important character is killed off. In the remake, she survives.

3. In the movie, the villains seek refuge in a house during a storm.

4. The antagonists are criminals who assault a girl and her friend.

5. The original was written and directed by Wes Craven. The remake was produced by him and directed by someone else.

6. One of the actresses was a part of the critically acclaimed 2011 hit The Innkeepers.

7. Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul stars in this movie.

8. The movie has several violent and graphic scenes.

9. The movie begins with a family going to a vacation home.

10. The parents of the girl who was assaulted find out that her attackers are taking shelter in their home and plan a series of revenge attacks.

Still haven't guessed the horror movie title? 


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