Horror Book Review: Terrifier 2 by Tim Waggoner


This week’s pick is Terrifier 2 written by Tim Waggoner. This a novelization of the hit slasher movie Terrifier 2. 

Terrifier has become a hit horror franchise and has now expanded into novels with Terrifier 2 being the first novel to release. Author Tim Waggoner has written several media tie-in books which include Halloween Kills, and Alien:Prototype. 

The book was released on October 8th by Titan Books and has been well-received by horror fans. 

Quick Book Review of Terrifier 2 based on the sample

The Terrifier franchise is known to be gory and grisly, with reports of audience members unable to sit through some of the gory scenes. While visuals tend to create more of an impact on your senses, reading about the same gruesome scene is almost tolerable. Almost. 

Tim Waggoner uses his experienced hand to write a scene that not only pulls you in but also read through some uncomfortable scenes. If gore is not your thing at all, you may want to sit this one out. But if you can take in even a little bit, you’ll not want to miss out on this book. 

The book begins at the coroner’s office, just like the movie. We meet Dr. Seth Bolton, a coroner who comes across Art’s body. Now if you have watched the first Terrifier movie, then you would know that Art shoots himself before he can be apprehended by the police. If you haven’t seen the movie, then the following paragraphs describe what happens next. You will not feel lost going into this book if you haven’t watched the movies. 

But whether or not you have watched the movies, you may have come across the iconic Art the Clown even if it was in memes. And so you very well know that Art the Clown is a vicious killer. He only knows how to kill. The coroner meets his gruesome end and that is that for him. 

In the movie, the audience is only treated to Art the Clown’s antics and see him go off on a murdering spree. In the book, you get to read what is going on in Art’s head. 

The author has managed to capture the murderous clown’s thoughts well, while also retaining some of the dark humor that makes Art…well, Art.

The story flows well and apparently, there are some extra scenes included that show where Art was when the movie focused on other characters. 

To Read or Not to Read?

I’ve been avoiding the Terrifier movies because I cannot stand too much gore. But frankly, the business and the marketing has gotten me intrigued about the franchise, enough for me to want to check out the movies someday. 

But while I wait for that day to come, Terrifier 2- the novelization, is as good a place as anything to start. The book may describe the gory scenes but because there are no graphic visuals, the violence feels subdued. 

It is horror fiction after all and I would want to read more. 

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