Short Horror Film Review: Mickey Mouse

 Plot: The Steamboat Mickey Mouse Challenge goes viral and instantly claims two innocent lives.

Mickey Mouse has entered the public domain.

This isn’t news anymore. In January 2024, the Steamboat Willie version of Mickey Mouse was no longer copyrighted. Which means that now everyone wants to make a movie about the friendly little mouse who had a diverse group of friends. 

Although Disney still retains the copyrights to the other cuter versions of the mouse, and also the name Mickey Mouse, horror filmmakers have jumped at the chance to create their own versions of Mickey’s story. 

The official date for Mickey’s Mouse Trap has still not been released but we already have a short horror film from ACMofficial about the Mickey Mouse Challenge.

The sequel to the Mickey Mouse horror short was released this Friday, and just as before, it is unsettling and leaves you feeling with a sense of dread. Maybe it will also make you feel better of your lack of whistling abilities.



It is late at night when Camille receives a text from her friend Sadie, daring her to do the Mickey Mouse challenge. Camille checks out the video from the vlogger who gives out the instructions. 

The rules are simple. Play Steamboat Mickey Mouse’s clip after midnight and perform the same whistling tune. Mickey will supposedly appear. The vlogger requests the participants to comment whether they survived the challenge.

 Well, that is ominous. Survive a challenge? Is Mickey going to come and kill you? Are you playing a game where you can be potentially be harmed by an entity you beckoned?

 Anyway, back to the short…

Camille checks the time and sees it is a little after twelve. She plays the clip and jumps when the Mickey glitches. She then whistles the same tune.

A shadow of Mickey’s head looms over her. She gets creeped out. But she shakes away her fright and messages Sadie, telling her nothing scary happened and that she is going to take her bath.

 While Camille is preparing her bath, Sadie messages back that something weird is going on after she too played the challenge.

Camille is relaxing in her bubble bath when she hears the whistling tune. She is laying in her tub when Mickey appears. Or rather someone in a creepy Mickey mask.

She is instantly drowned.


 In the sequel, we see a woman eating her dinner in the bed while watching a clip of the same vlogger from the first part, giving out the instructions for the Mickey Mouse challenge.

Imagine how weird it would be if these two instances took place at the same time on the same day.

Anyway, the woman watches the clip, jolts from the jump scare at the end and whistles the same tune. Except she records herself on the phone while doing so. Just then she hears the whistle play. In the camera, she sees Mickey right behind her. But when she turns, he’s no longer visible.

Later, she goes into the kitchen and notices she has a pile of dishes to do. She puts on some music and takes a photo of herself smiling. When she checks the photo, she thinks she sees Mickey crouching behind her. She turns and looks. He’s not there. He’s no longer in the photo either.

She returns to her dishes. Now she should have just cleaned them without filling up the sink, but she does that anyway.

Mickey shows up behind her and pushes her head into the dirty dishwater. The poor woman dies.

 The Mickey Mouse shorts are creepy, well-thought out and makes good use of the Steamboat version of Mickey. These shorts give a delightfully frightening spin on Mickey Mouse that is entertaining for all the horror fans out there.

Scare Scale: 


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