Scream 6-- Movie Spoilers with Ending Explained


Plot: The four survivors from Woodsboro try to start life anew in New York. But they soon learn they can not escape Ghostface.

It's time for Horror Slasher Movies 101. The Scream movies have become a course on how killers behave and what a requel and legacy characters are.

This role of lecturer on this, once again, falls on Mindy's shoulders as she explains at one point that even the main characters can be killed. The legacy characters, too. No one is safe, and everyone is a suspect.

Obviously, based on what we have learned from watching horror movies, we know that the main characters are going to make it. Besides, Sam wears a tank top towards the end, and the final girl always wears that towards the end.

Nevertheless, Scream 6 is an enjoyable movie even though half the time, it seems like a lecture on slasher movies.

The four characters, or the Core Four, have chemistry and the ability to take this franchise forward.

SCREAM 6 Movie Plot

The movie begins with Laura waiting at a fancy restaurant for her date to show up. Her date calls up but admits that he has lost his way and needs directions.

We learn that Laura is an associate professor for film studies and specialises in slasher movies. Her date strikes up a conversation with her about it, and she is clearly quite taken with him. Her date then asks her to get out of the restaurant and describe the area to her.

Laura leaves the restaurant excitedly and goes on to describe the board and the alley. The voice changes, and her date informs her that for someone who specialises in horror movies, she made a rookie mistake going alone into an alley. Laura has little time to freak out before Ghostface jumps on her and stabs her repeatedly.

As per the tagline of the movie, the rules have changed, so we now have Ghostface immediately revealing itself. It's a guy called Jason who discards his Ghostface robes and wears a Blackmore University jacket.

He then heads to the dorms and stops Tara, who is heading to a frat party. He asks where her sister Sam is. Tara tells her that Sam isn't going to the party no matter what anyone tells her.

Jason looks thoughtful as he heads up to his dorm room. Once inside, he receives a call from his friend Greg, who is a fan of the Stab movies just like him. Jason brags about killing their professor Laura, who had given him a bad grade. Greg begins to speak in his Ghostface voice, and Jason reminds him that they had agreed not to use that voice on each other. Greg doesn't stop and asks him to find him. Jason doesn't think Greg is in and believes he is being pranked. He talks about how he wants to murder Sam and Tara next so that they can complete the movie Scream 5 killer, Richie, was trying to make.

They play hot and cold for a while, which leads Jason to the fridge where Greg's cut-up body is. Jason has barely enough time to gasp before he is repeatedly stabbed by Ghostface.

This time, Ghostface doesn't reveal himself. But he does state he doesn't care about horror movies. A villain from a horror movie saying he doesn't like horror movies?

We then see Sam sitting with her therapist, who is trying to get her to stop complaining about Tara and talk about herself. The therapist, Dr Stone, clearly didn't do his homework because when Sam begins to tell him about what happened in Woodsboro, he is shocked. And he does a bad job hiding his emotions, too.
You can literally see the shock and nervousness on his face as Sam reveals she enjoyed stabbing her ex Richie when it was revealed he was the killer. Sam is afraid that since her father was the first Scream killer, Billy Loomis, she may have inherited his murderous gene.

Dr. Stone pretty much tells her he can't be her doctor anymore since he isn't capable enough to handle such cases. And that he would have to report her case. Sam tells him she has no intention of being a killer, but he fumbles, and she storms out, muttering that he's just like everyone else.

Isn't there anyone who can help Sam?

Sam returns to her apartment and finds her roommate Quinn up to no good with her boyfriend. Still, she takes a break and comes to speak to Sam, accidentally revealing that Tara went to a frat party. Sam is irate because Tara forgot her taser.

She goes in search of her sister while Quinn makes a show of showing regret. Before leaving, Sam does ogle at her neighbour, who roams around shirtless around his apartment.

While Sam has to share her apartment with her friends and sister, Danny is able to afford a whole apartment by himself in NYC doing... something.

At the party, Mindy is hooking up with her girlfriend Anika. Tara is drunk and behaving irresponsibly. Mindy tries to stop her from going upstairs with Frankie, who is known to treat women shabbily. When Tara doesn't listen, Mindy gets her brother Chad to help out. Chad is busy being Chad, but when he hears Tara behave badly, he drops everything to go save her.

Chad and Frankie get into an argument that ends when Sam enters with a taser that she uses on Chad's nether regions.

Tara is upset that Sam created a scene and storms off. The friends follow obediently.

Tara tells Sam to back off and let her live her life. Sam says she can't because she is afraid after Tara was almost killed in Scream 5.

A group of girls pass by and splash cherry soda on Sam. They also call her a murderer. Sam isn't going to take it lying down and tries to jump her but is pulled back by her friends. Turns out Sam's reputation has been marred with online rumours about her being the real killer and framing poor Richie.

Tara sees Sam is having a hard time but still goes off on her about being too protective. She storms off, and all the friends follow her. Clearly, they are more Tara friends than Sam's.

Tara is then shown in her room, and Chad is being sweet and understanding. They almost kiss when Quinn walks in and doesn't take the hint that she's supposed to leave the new couple-in-the-making alone.

Quinn tells Tara she understands what she is going through as her father, who is a detective, is very possessive of her ever since she lost her brother.

Meanwhile, Sam is sitting by the stairs, sulking when she spots Danny. He's finally wearing a shirt, and when he sees Sam, he goes to kiss her. Turns out, Sam didn't need any promotion from her roommates; she had already been hooking up with him secretly.

They hear commotion and head to the apartment to see the news is on. The reporter is talking about tonight's deaths that cause Sam to make the decision to leave. Tara is like, nope.

Quinn suggests they call up her father and confirm that Ghostface is back. Sam talks to him, and Detective Bailey tells her she needs to come to the station. Her ID has been found at the crime scene.

Sam heads out, and Tara dutifully follows. When Sam makes a fuss, Tara gives her some attitude about not being the best time to separate.

Just then, Sam's phone rings. It's from Richie, and she realizes that she hasn't found time in six months to delete his number. Tara tells her to ignore it, but Sam is too curious. It's Ghostface, taunting her.

In the next instant, Ghostface pops out from behind a hedge and tries to stab Tara, who has the sense to learn some self-defense moves. She elbows him, and then Sam and her scramble towards the store. They ask the owner to call for help.

Ghostface casually enters behind him. One of the customer acts is tough only to be stabbed. Another tries to be a better hero. He is stabbed in the neck.

Everyone else runs away, and the owner manages to get a shotgun out. Ghostface is pushed back, and he topples a snack shelf when he falls.

The owner tells the girls to leave out the backdoor. Of course, it is locked. They ask for the keys, but by then, Ghostface is already up and about, and he has taken the gun. Since there are new rules in the movie, Ghostface now uses a shotgun instead of a knife. Off goes the owner.

Sam and Tara hide behind shelves, and there is a lot of tiptoeing going around. The second they see Ghostface behind a shelf, they push at it, and it falls on Ghostface.

The police arrive thanks to the store alarm. The girls manage to exit the store, but when they turn back, they only see a mask on the floor and a swinging door. Ghostface is unfazed by bruises and is clearly athletic enough to jump on his feet and make a run for it.

The sisters are taken to the station and questioned by Detective Bailey, who informs them that someone is going to great lengths to frame Sam. He is then told that due to a jurisdiction issue, the case is being handed to the FBI. Detective Bailey heads to a conference room to see Kirby sitting at the table with her feet up.

Kirby was a survivor from Scream 4 and has decided she wants the monsters to be scared of her instead of her being scared of them. She assures Bailey that she intends to help and not get into a pissing competition regarding the case.

Sam and Tara warmly welcome Kirby, and they get on the case. Sam says her alibi was her therapist, and Tara's alibi is the frat party. Sam is shown a video of her being aggressive to the girl who threw soda on her. Things don't look great for her reputation.

They then learn that someone is purposely leaving Ghostface masks at the crime scene, and all those masks belonged to the previous killers.

Afterwards, Sam decides to leave with Tara and is swarmed by reporters. In the midst of it all is Gale, who just wants to interview them. Sam tries to punch her, but Gale dodges. She is used to having people punch her for writing books about them without their permission. But she's not ready for Tara's punch who is clearly in training.

First Ghostface, now Gale? Is she the next action hero? New Rules must also mean that we are going to have the women no longer running scared but actually punching Ghostface in the face.

Gale is stunned at being punched. Has she been punched thrice in the entire franchise? The sisters tell Gale to back off and think about how her ex-husband Dewey may feel about her attitude. Gale's face falls. She is punched right in the feelings.

Before the cops can confirm Sam was in therapy, Ghostface arrives to kill Dr Stone at his home. Ghostface, who is clearly a bodybuilder, manages to stab Dr Stone right through the thick glass of the door and through the grills. Right in the eye.

Dr. Stone doesn't get to do much but lay on the floor as Ghostface enters his office and steals Sam's file. Now, why didn't he keep his files in his office instead?

In the meantime, no one is attending their classes, and the friends are gathered outside to talk about Ghostface. After all, that's what college is: frat parties and picnicking outside.

Mindy is the instructor to horror movies again. She goes on about this being a sequel to a requel and how they are all in a franchise now and no longer are guaranteed to survive.

Except, not exactly a spoiler alert, all of them do. New Rules state that instead of one or two, all four friends get to survive. Yay!

But Mindy tries to confuse us, the viewers, into believing that one of them is totally going to die. As if. Suspicions are thrown on the new cast members because they are always going to be one of them. Anika isn't too happy to be a suspect and points out that new rules also mean that any of the main characters could have gone crazy and turned into Ghostface. Accusatory glances are thrown at Sam, who simply looks downwards.

Ethan, who is a nerd and has joined their group, isn't too happy to be labelled a suspect either. Sam is told that her new boyfriend, Danny, is a suspect, too.

At the police station, Bailey and Kirby are discussing the case after Dr. Stone is found dead. They realize that Sam's missing case file doesn't make things look good for her, but it is an obvious attempt at a setup. They have a whole chart and everything on the killers from the previous movies.

They deduce that the killer is purposely leaving Ghostface masks at the crime scenes, and the final one is going to be that of Scream 1 killer.

The friends are now at the apartment, cooking and stuff. No one has any assignments due or any exams to study for. College life seems awesome. Will they graduate? Probably not.

The news is on, and when Sam learns that her therapist is dead and that she is now prime suspect, she gets upset.

Mindy, Chad, and Tara try to cheer up. Sam  and Chad go ahead to call them the Core Four. No one cares for the name.

Across from their apartment, Danny is spying and sees Ghostface enter Quinn's room. Quinn is talking to her boyfriend about not using her stuff in her bathroom. She gets stabbed for not wanting to share her things.

Danny tries to warn Sam, who is bust ignoring his calls and high fiving her friends. When they finally hear noises, they head to Quinn's room, except it bursts open, and Quinn's body is thrown at them. Mindy is slashed, and there is a half-hearted scuffle.

Anika manages to get stabbed, trying to protect Mindy. The friends manage to hide in a room. Danny opens the window and throws a ladder across for them to climb. He may have called the police but they are not going to arrive on time, obviously.

Anika sends Mindy before her because she is too weak. When she finally manages to get on the ladder, Ghostface enters the room and starts to shake it. Anika falls to her death in the alley, leaving Mindy brokenhearted.

Detective Bailey is in despair as he exits the crime scene. He informs the remaining friends that he has been removed from the case because of his relationship with one of the victims: Quinn.

Gale comes over, but before Tara can wear her boxing gloves, she tells everyone she is here to help, off the record. Sam allows her to help even though Gale has literally always broken her promises to keep things separate from her career.

Ethan comes over, and everyone gives him the mean eye because, according to Mindy's lecture, one of them is totally Ghostface. Ethan tells him he was at a lecture. No one believes him.

Gale leads them all to a place rented out by Jason and Greg. It is a museum/shrine to Ghostface killers at a theatre. They have weapons used with dried blood still on it and crime scene photos and costumes and everything. It is reasoned that money has been used to bribe the police to get all the evidence.

The Ghostface killings would have been a well-known known case by now, and missing evidence hasn't caused any heads to turn?

Sam goes to her father's glass case and hallucinates her father talking to her. She puts her hand on the glass, and Tara comes and asks her why she's being so weird.
There's a projector too that plays footage.

Tara gets so weirded out by this whole thing that she walks away. Kirby offers to talk to her. Sam tells Gale she wonders if she should have come into Tara's life considering the whole mess with Ghostface.

Kirby talks to Tara about her survival story and motivates her to not be scared of Ghostface.

The friends regroup and decide to trace Ghostface's call because he is totally going to call to brag about his killings.

They all head to a park, and Mindy makes fun about how they are totally not going to trace the call on time, just like in the movies.

Kirby boasts about being able to trace the call in under fifteen seconds, which shuts Mindy up. Of course, it does not take Kirby fifteen seconds to trace the call.

Ghostface calls and goes on about some stuff about his killing prowess. The call is traced to an apartment...where Gale lives. Uh-oh!

Everyone starts running, and Tara steals Bailey's car because it has a siren on it.

Sam calls Gale, but she's with her boyfriend and relaxing after a run based on her clothes.

Her phone rings, and her boyfriend of five minutes answers it with the only dialogue he has in the movie. She takes the call while her boyfriend is snatched and mercilessly stabbed. Clearly, he needed to work out more like Gale in order to survive. But he barely puts up a fight was a surprise pounce?

At least Tara elbowed Ghostface when she was attacked from behind.

Anyway, Gale realizes Ghostface is in her house after he taunts her about Dewey and then throws her boyfriend's corpse through the window.

A new rule has been applied here wherein Gale has been seen directly speaking to Ghostface for the first time.

The two scuffle, and as usual, the police haven't been called or they were, and they don't arrive on time. Is there any building security that could have intervened? I have no idea.

Eventually, Gale thinks she has the upper hand and is about to stab Ghostface when he stabs her with a shard of glass from the table.

She is stabbed several times before Sam and Tara arrive. They shoot at Ghostface but obviously miss.

Sam and Tara think Gale is going to die, but the medics arrive and feel a weak pulse.

Everyone is at the hospital, and Sam is in tears as she states she wants to give herself up so that Ghostface doesn't go after them. Tara speaks for everyone by stating that they are ready to die for her. Mindy and Chad don't really chime in and reiterate the same sentiment.

Anyway, they all high-five because they are the Core Four.

A plan is made to trap Ghostface at the museum. For that, they must take the subway.

SCREAM 6 Ending Explained

The group heads to the station, but there is such a big crowd that Mindy and Ethan are separated. They must now take the next subway.

The friends discover several people wearing Ghostface costumes and realize that the real killer could be among them.

Mindy stays away from Ethan, whom she still suspects. They both get on, and Mindy finds a spot away from him.

Suddenly, Ghostface appears and stabs her. The girl standing next to her is sleeping. In this crowded subway, no one has noticed Mindy being stabbed. Ghostface makes a quick getaway, and Ethan, when he notices Mindy, goes to help her.

Mindy is hurt, but all she cares about is that she may be wrong about the killer.

The other group reaches the museum for Ghostface. Sam tells Danny to go away because, as he said so, trust no one. Not even him.

Kirby explains she has put locks on the door so that when Ghostface shows up, he will be trapped in the cage like entryway. Then she goes off while Sam, Tara, and Chad await Ghostface.

Bailey calls Sam and tells her he has just found out that Kirby has been fired from the FBI for being unstable. Sam is shocked to discover Kirby might be a killer because, as per Mindy's logic, the killer may be one of them who has lost it after becoming Ghostface's victim.

Tara and Chad are kissing when Ghostface comes in to spoil their moment. Tara is stabbed right in the back, but being a superhero, she recovers quickly.

Chad tries to be a hero, but to everyone's shock, a second Ghostface comes to catch him. Chad is repeatedly stabbed. No way he's going to survive, right?

Sam takes Tara away, and they find Kirby coming towards them with a gun and claiming to have been knocked out by Ghostface. The sisters don't believe her.

Bailey comes in, and Ghostface appears right behind him. Before the sisters can warn him, Bailey shoots Kirby.

There is no way Kirby is going to survive, right?

The sisters are shocked to see two Ghostfaces and Bailey in the centre, clearly the mastermind.

He talks about how he wants to kill the sisters because Sam killed his son.

Ghostface unmasks himself as Ethan. Turns out Mindy was right. Sam thinks the other one is Mindy, unaware her friend has been stabbed. The other Ghostface turns out to be Quinn. Shocking!

Not that much, but okay...

The son Bailey is talking about is Richie, who was using another name.

Quinn turns out to be the rumour starter. She had spread the rumour about Sam being the real killer. The family didn't understand Richie's fascination with Ghostface but still supported him.

Tara is freaking out as the family advances, planning to kill the sisters. Sam tells her to be strong and then calls Richie a pathetic manchild. This upsets the siblings giving Tara the opportunity to strike Quinn.

A scuffle ensues, which results in Tara and Sam climbing the ladder to the balcony. Tara obviously slips, and Sam tries to pull her up. Ethan is right under her and slices the air with his knife. Tara tries to dodge him but then tells Sam to let her go when she sees Quinn advance towards Sam.

Sam chooses this moment to let her sister go and make her own decisions.

She takes Sam's knife and jumps down on Ethan, stabbing him in the mouth. Of course, he gets a knife in, too, but Tara is a superhero.

Sam uses a gun on Quinn. Right in the head.

Bailey is upset that his two kids have been overpowered. Sam tells him how Ghostface should always be shot in the head for a sure kill.

She aims at Bailey but is out of bullets. Bailey and Sam charge at each other and then plunge down the balcony.

Sam gets a knife and tries to stab him but then tells him she is better than her father. Tara gives her a look that says to finish off Bailey.

Sam jumps on Bailey and stabs him repeatedly and then through the eye.

The sisters hug it out when Ethan suddenly charges at them. Kirby appears to drop an old TV from the previous Scream movie at him.

The cops finally arrive. Danny has brought them for the final scene. The friends receive medical attention, and Tara is happy to see that Chad somehow survived. She pulls down his oxygen mask and kisses him. Not caring, he needs to breathe and needs urgent care.

It's more important to establish their relationship than get medical help.

Mindy arrives, even though she should have been in the hospital and resting. She laments, having missed the villains monologue but praising herself for being right about the killer's identity.

The Core Four high five and hugs. Yay! They made it despite being stabbed at least twice.

They all leave only for Sam to open the bag and look at the mask in her bag, the one that belonged to her father. She drops it on the road and joins her friends.

The movie ends.

Scream 6 is a fun and interesting instalment in the franchise, and it does well to establish the new generation, but its biggest setback is the mystery element.

It pretty much reveals the entire story in one scene. While it may be entertaining to learn the making of a horror movie, the over-explanation seems like a scene-filler and a scene made for spoilers.

The scene with Mindy explaining the workings of a franchise and claiming one of them is going to die is completely unnecessary since we know beforehand that no one from the Core Four is actually going to die.

It would have been interesting to see at least one meaningful character death that would have upped the stakes. Even Anika's death hasn't shaken up the main characters because Mindy doesn't even mention her later on.

Because of this, Ghostface doesn't seem menacing at all and comes off as a caricature of the previous Scream killers.

Hopefully, the next part manages to keep the killers identity suspenseful because Scream 6 was unable to create a suspenseful atmosphere.

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