Horror Horoscope 24th February
The stars have spoken. Let's see what horror awaits you this week!
Don't walk home alone at night. Someone could be following you. Stay indoors with the lights on.
Avoid wearing red. Stay clear of red objects, especially those shaped like balloons and floating away.
This week, do not look into the mirror. You may get into a fight with the person in the mirror, so brush your teeth looking at a wall.
This week, abstain from going to the beach. You're likely to get bit by a sea creature.
This week, stay clear of relatives because they might be jealous of you to the point of pushing you off a cliff.
This week, make sure not to head out to any heavy rock concerts of bands you have barely heard of. They are likely to belong to a cult who are looking for sacrifices.
This week, do not take a loan from men who make absurd terms for lending money. Make sure to read contracts properly. You may end up signing off a pound of flesh.
This week, avoid loitering about in industrial areas that are notorious for dumping toxic waste anywhere.
Be careful where you step because you're likely to be attacked by something pointy.
Enjoy hunting? Well, this is not the week to indulge in this sport. In fact, stay clear of any sport where anything can be used as weapons. Stay indoors, but make sure you are alert to attacks from behind.
This week, avoid going to a farm. Especially a petting zoo. Stay clear of animals who begin talking to you.
This week, expect a leakage in your house. Don't worry it's not a plumbing issue, but something is far worse. Remember the tape you watched last week?
You may hear a tune or song playing by the sea. Avoid going towards it because it is not a celebrity practising for their concert.
You may be compelled to suddenly go swimming in the dark and see some creatures you think are part of your imagination.
They are not imaginary!
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