Ouija (2014)- My take on the movie with spoilers

PLOT SUMMARY: A group of friends summon the ghost of their friend only to have a great evil enter their realm. 

There are a few movies that will take you completely by surprise at how good they are. I went in with low expectations when I watched ‘Kick’ and was taken aback by how wrong I had been. The same can be said about Ouija.

When I heard it was coming out, I wasn’t that keen to watch it despite it being from the horror genre. Over the years there have been plenty of movies based on this ‘spirit board’ as it is also called so another movie coming out with the same contrived plot didn't excite me.

Basically, any horror movie follows the same pattern. There’s a murder, the lead character is introduced that is connected to the victim somehow and the haunting or incident is repeated with her. Then the protagonist investigates, comes across an elderly relative of the spirit and explains how the hauntings can be stopped. The movie then reaches its predictable climax with the clichéd open ending for sequels.

Ouija follows the same pattern up to a point. At one moment my mind wandered as the predictable incidents occurred. The movie does have a pacy storyline but lacked any surprises. 

OUIJA Movie Plot 

A group of friends use the ouija board to summon a friend who has recently died. Soon enough they discover that the soul they have contacted is not their friend but of another girl who previously lived in the house and who disappeared and whose mother was suspected of it. 

Then when the protagonist visits the elderly relative of the ghost- in this case, the ghost’s sister- I just counted the minutes when the movie would end.

What made me sit up and pay attention was when it was revealed that the innocent elderly woman was not so innocent after all. She had a hidden agenda of her own that could only be accomplished when the protagonist performed a task for her.

That was different.

Ouija Ending Explained

The protagonist and her friends have to find the dead girl in a secret room in their house and unstitch her mouth. Apparently, her mother had gone crazy and stitched her mouth. But wait. The truth is that the mother had stitched the girl's mouth because she was evil. 

The friends didn't know that and unstitched her mouth only for evil to be unleashed. The protagonist uses the ouija board and her dead friend arrives to help her defeat the evil ghosts. The evil girl's body and ouija board are thrown into the furnace. 

In the end, the planchette appears in the protagonist's home. 

Taking an overused plot point and doing something new with it, made me gather up all my attention. Sure the climax was not surprising, but the fact that the movie moved away from at least one cliché made me appreciate this movie.

Overall, I wouldn’t really classify this movie as scary. The scenes aren’t frightening and the only scene that made me feel slightly creeped out was when the friends are using the Ouija board and see the girl with the mouth sewn shut.

It was a nice attempt though and when there’s a sequel- and there no doubt will be, I would be interested to know if they would instil a new plot device to keep me immersed in the proceedings. 

Scare Scale: 3.5/5



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