Remember Me-- Horror Movie Plot and Ending Explained

 PLOT SUMMARY: When Rose wakes up, she realizes she has lost her memory. Luckily she has her mum and her boyfriend to help her but dome things about her life just don't add up.

Ever since Misery, a movie where a writer is kidnapped by his Number One Fan, there have been several similar themed stories where the protagonist may have a different career or gender but the antagonist is always this crazy woman with stern ideals.

Remember Me will remind you of Misery and of a perhaps little-known movie but one that was horrifying, Besetment.

Turns out, kidnapping people and holding them captive isn’t enough. Now, some villains desire that their captives give them babies too.

Remember Me must have been interesting on paper nevertheless but the execution sucks out any thrill that could have made the movie an edge of the seat thriller.

And what is up with the shots of the house's façade? If anything, the house looks pleasant enough to take any remaining tension away from the story.

Also, for those of you who can't sot through the whole movie, just skip through the last few minutes where we get to see the recap of the whole movie. It is as if even the moviemakers realized that chances are pretty good their audience either fell asleep during the movie or don't have the patience to sit through it all. So here you go, watch the movie recap at the end. You'll actually not be missing anything substantial.


There are some scenes with Rose and her friend in red filter. She picks up the phone and then drives somewhere.

Off screen there's a crash.

Rose wakes up without a cut or a bruise but realizes she can't move her legs or remember who she is and where she is.

An old woman comes up to her and claims to be her mum. She showers Rose with love and makes her comfortable.

Rose wants to know what happened to her and her Mum claims to be a psychologist and advises her to take it easy. But then after Rose is insistent, she spills that Rose has amnesia and can remember bits and pieces of her life but not everything.

She then asks how Rose likes her tea and when Rose remembers exactly how, thinks her Mum pulled a clever trick to help her. She is relieved she is in safe hands.

Rose then wants to know if she has any friends and her Mum immediately becomes cagey and allows her to meet only her fiance, Jamie.

Rose can believe that her friends don't want to see her but can't believe she was engaged.

Jamie comes to see her and reveals they have been together for  four years. We have seen enough movies to know that if an amnesiac woman cringes when showered with love from her boyfriend chances are he is NOT her boyfriend.

Jamie sympathizes with her and even tries to get her to call a friend but Mum appears and tells him that it is a bad idea. Rose is disappointed that her friends are not coming to see her.

But that becomes the least of her problems when she wakes up in the middle of the night and finds Mum sitting on a chair opposite her and making creepy voices and holding a doll.

Rose now knows something is off about her situation and especially the injections she has been receiving. And in case she was still not a hundred percent sure, she is whacked on the side of the head by her mum when she spits toothpaste in the bathtub.

Now why would anyone spit something in the water they are soaking in? But of course Rose didn't deserve to be struck by Mum although she did earn the "You're so irritating" remark.

Rose keeps her cool and plays along with her Mum's eccentric displays of affection. She even manages to get her mum out to go do some shopping for her, much like in Misery.

And then using a pin stuck in the doll, she manages to unlock a drawer where she finds her phone and makes a video call to her friend Nikki who is on her call list.

Nikki seems happy to see her and tells her she's been staying away because her Mum said so. For some reason, Nikki has never seen or heard Rose's mother's voice even though she is close friends with Rose.

Before they can continue the conversation,  the battery runs out. Luckily for Rose, Mum is well-organized and has kept the charger right next to it.

Unfortunately Mum has returned and Rose tries to hurry along but can't get the wheelchair over the threshold. So she lets herself fall on the floor and drags her way back to her room. 

This scene will definitely remind you of the movie RUN which had a much better thrilling sequence.

Anyway, Mum returns, sees the wheelchair in her room and goes to confront Rose who points out that it was Mum who left it there and is becoming forgetful. Rose is innocently reading a novel on her bed which Mum looks at because Rose may not have changed pages since she last saw her.

REMEMBER ME Ending Explained with Spoilers!

Rose confides in Jamie about her suspicions regarding Mum. He acts like a great listener and even manages to get a kiss from Rose.

When Rose finally manages to make a call to Nikki, she asks her friend to come to her house immediately. Now Nikki has apparently seen Rose's mother's photo at least and knows her neighbor too.

When Nikki points out that the woman who is claiming to be Rose's Mum is actually her neighbor, Rose is shocked. But her shocks don't end just yet. When Nikki hears Jamie's name she asks who the hell that is.

Rose knows now that she has been duped. The jig is up. Mum and Jamie come over to her and explain how they concocted this weird plan to get Rose to move in with them. Mum had always wanted a daughter but had a disappointing Jamie instead. Yes, Jamie is her son.

Rose declares Mum will never have her as a daughter even though she stabbed her mother for it. That was what the incident had been in red filters.

Mum cackles. She doesn’t want Rose to be the daughter. She's too old now to wear frocks and play with dolls after all. But she does want her to give her a child. She was hoping Jamie would impregnate her but since the plan was foiled, she has a plan B. Sperm in Tupperware.

Rose gets to learn that she has been receiving drugs for her memory loss and temporary paralysis. She can move her hands though and whacks the container from Mum's hands. The offending liquid splashes into Mum's mouth.

Son and mother attack Rose for her inpudence and she manages to fight them off. She jams a toothbrush into Mum's eye and then knock off Jamie.

Now on her wheelchair, she is considering her next step to escape when Mum comes along.

Rose takes Mum in her arms and falls down the stairs with her. Rose manages to survive the fall and drag herself outside the house.

Nikki arrives just in time.

In the end, Rose is standing on a beach staring at a dismal view of gray clouds and sea. Is this scene supposed to show that she is looking forward to a bleak future?

The movie ends to our relief.

The movie clearly lacked the ability to build suspense and spends precious minutes on showing the house from every angle.

The actors do a decent job with a script that has borrowed heavily from Misery, Run and Besetment. Poor execution of the script is what makes this a disappointing viewing.

Scare Scale: 

Watch REMEMBER ME on Amazon Prime Video

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  1. Absolutely on point with your analysis. Exactly how I felt 20 minutes in and then looked for a spoiler. Just ff everything to the stairs scene


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